We Laugh Because We Believe

Month March 2013

Media Finding it Difficult to Find Nuns Who Look Like Nuns for their Anti-Church Rants

I noticed something odd (or maybe not so odd) in the anti-Catholic rants in the media recently. While they talk about things like the “stained glass ceiling” to refer to the fact that women can’t become priests they use images… Continue Reading →

NRO’s Catholic Black Advocates The Pill

National Review has an article today by Conrad Black, a Catholic, and major shareholder of the Catholic Herald, advocating for the Pope to overturn the Church’s teaching on contraception. Because, well you know, it makes us look like we are… Continue Reading →

Little Girl Stumps Legislature By Asking, “Which Parent Do I Not Need?”

An 11 year old girl asked a question that silenced the Minnesota legislature yesterday. As you know, Minnesota is currently deciding whether to legalize gay marriage. So, according to CNS News, Grace Evans asked a question of the legislature that… Continue Reading →

If You Wanted Ice Cream, Shoulda Ordered It

You know this is how this went down. “You want some ice cream, honey?” “No. I am watching my weight.” “Are you sure?” “Yes” “Ok, if you are sure.” And then when you get it, all of a sudden it… Continue Reading →

Patrick On With Michael Voris Tonight

I will be on with Michael Voris tonight on Church Militant Micd Up. We will be discussing: Join Michael Voris live and in the chat room as he discusses the election of Pope Francis and why is there all the… Continue Reading →

Sisters of Mary Rock the American Bible Challenge Tomorrow Night

Jeff Foxworthy is the host of the American Bible Challenge. In tomorrow night’s season opener on the Game Show Network, the Sisters of Mary compete. Check out this exciting and fun preview. *subhead*Fun.*subhead*

Why We’re Losing the Abortion Debate

I think I miss the days when we lied to ourselves. There was something innocent about all the self-delusion that surrounded the abortion issue. All that “blob of tissue” talk was believed by so many who preferred not to know… Continue Reading →

Biden, Pelosi Recieve Communion, For Now

As expected, pro-abortion politicians from the U.S. received communion during the Pope’s inaugural mass yesterday. Of course, this is not a uniquely American problem. Countries from all over the world sent delegations to the inaugural mass and probably more than… Continue Reading →

CNN Labels Pope Francis the “Hope and Change” Pope

A CNN contributor compared Pope Francis with Barack Obama by calling him the “Hope and Change Pope.” “He hasn’t actually done much in the way of real policy changes of initiatives, and he certainly is the hope and change pope,… Continue Reading →

Greatest Tardy Slip Ever!!!

I love this. I’ve tried similar things but I never get a laugh from anyone at my kids’ school. Just some weird looks. But this is much funnier than what I wrote. Ht Momastery *subhead*Funny because it’s true.*subhead*

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