We Laugh Because We Believe

Month April 2013

You’re More Beautiful Than You Think

Dove did a very interesting experiment. The had several women describe themselves to a sketch artist. After they were done, somebody else that they met described them to the sketch artist. Which version do you think was more critical and… Continue Reading →

Breaking: Bombing Suspect In Custody (Or Not)

Or not!! Conflicting reports. Everybody was reporting it 20 mins ago but now CNN and the others are walking it back. Pathetic. Update DEVELOPING: CBS’ Bob Orr: sources say bomber was on phone when he dropped second backpack. Cell records… Continue Reading →

Nun Reveals Ingenious Secret Vatican Plot

Sister Maureen Paul Turlish of Philadelphia has revealed a brilliant secret plot by the Vatican to make everyone ignore the sexual abuse scandal by publicly attacking nuns. As we can all attest this ingenious plan likely hatched in the former… Continue Reading →

White House Refuses to Comment on Gosnell, Even When Grilled by Fox News Reporter

Jay Carney keeps saying he can’t comment on an incident where the trial is still ongoing. Uhm. Anyone remember Trayvon Martin? Adam Lanza? The White House is ignoring the Gosnell issue because Barack Obama has absolutely no problem with what… Continue Reading →

Archbishop: Bloggers Not Catholic?

Of all the people deserving Episcopal ire, the Archbishop of Westminster has singled out one group saying “”they should have no place in the Church.” Pro-aborts? Gay marriage advocates? Nope. Catholic Bloggers. Please read my post at the Register. *subhead*Seriously?*subhead*

The 7 Weakest and Wackiest Excuses Why The Media Says They’re Not Covering the Gosnell Trial

The media has largely ignored the death penalty trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell. But why? Many in the media have offered up many reasons for their silence. Let’s have some fun by actually listening to what they’ve said. 1) Our… Continue Reading →

Slate: Legalize Polygamy Now to Avoid Back Alley Polygamy. Or Something.

Slate Magazine published a piece today calling for the legalization of polygamy pronto. Wow. That was the fastest slippery slope ever. The thing is that the link between gay marriage and polygamy was never a maybe someday thing. Once marriage… Continue Reading →

Shocking Vid: College Professor Arrested for Freaking Out at Pro-Life Display

A University of Buffalo (SUNY) professor was arrested for screaming obscenities at an administration approved graphic pro-life display. While cursing profusely, she accused the pro-lifers of being “profane.” The video below shows the arrest along with the professor cursing and… Continue Reading →

Imagine Gosnell Was A Minister?

By now we have all heard the lame excuses the media has proffered, if they bothered to proffer one at all, for their media blackout on the Gosnell aborto-murder trial. So imagine something for a second. Imagine Gosnell, a man… Continue Reading →

Russian Patriarch Does Not Heart Feminism

While the role of women in the Catholic Church is hotly debated among undebatably not hot, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, has a slightly different approach. The German Episcopal Conference has expressed its commitment “to promoting… Continue Reading →

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