The Virginia Governor’s race is a big one. Ken Cuccinelli is a strong pro-lifer and Terry McAuliffe says openly that he’ll roll back oversight on abortion clinics. We know where that takes us. It ends with women in emergency rooms…. Continue Reading →
*subhead*We Heart Eugenics!*subhead* One of the modern zeitgeists that scares me the most is the growing love affair with eugenics among the elite. Whether the masses are aware of it or not, elite ideas trickle down and infect our subconscious…. Continue Reading →
Former Kansas singer John Elefante shares story of adopted daughter’s birth with beautiful pro-life song and video. It’s pretty moving. Thanks to Twitchy for featuring this. *subhead*Adoption.*subhead*
News is that Speaker Boehner has agreed to de-fund Obamacare in the Continuing Resolution. Victory for conservatives, right? Er…No. The battle has never been over whether the House can pass such a CR, we always knew that it could. We… Continue Reading →
The love of money is the root of all evil and this proves it. Sly? Bobby? What the heck are you thinking? *subhead*Noooooooo.*subhead*
A little background first as to who this wacky abortionist is. Abortionist Randall Whitney was arrested after he slapped a woman patient. It seems he couldn’t find a vein for an IV line and when she began to complain that… Continue Reading →
Students for Life’s Planned Parenthood Project is just under way to college campuses and they’ve got this incendiary video of idiot college students chatting about overpopulation and the need for MORE ABORTION. HT *subhead*Ick.*subhead*
Stephen Hawking is for assisted suicide. Kind of not a surprise in that I think I remember reading he’s an atheist. But in reading the article, I think Hawking is either confused about what assisted suicide is or else he’s… Continue Reading →
For some reason this will not go down as pro-abortion violence because you know that pro-lifers are the only ones capable of violence. On the heels of the young man who just admitted slipping his girlfriend an abortion pill, another… Continue Reading →
I don’t know what the heck this guy was thinking. 9 times out of 10 you don’t live through this prank. *subhead*How To Get Shot In One Easy Step.*subhead*
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