We Laugh Because We Believe

Month January 2014

Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll a 9-11 Truther?

You know, I don’t get the 9-11 truther types. I mean, is it like radical Muslims weren’t and aren’t trying to kill Americans? Last I heard they were pretty serious about it. And Osama bin Laden did say he ordered… Continue Reading →

Scotland’s only Catholic adoption agency is saved

The government has graciously allowed the only Catholic adoption agency in Scotland to keep its charitable status, for now. St Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society has been successful in its appeal to keep its charitable status. In a unanimous… Continue Reading →

London Mayor is “Intolerant of Intolerance.” Yeah, He Actually Said That

Totalitolerance. The mayor of London may have lied when he swore that he didn’t order Christian ads be pulled down. Mayor Boris Johnson is being investigated because he may have lied when he said he didn’t order Christian ads supporting… Continue Reading →

Sandra Fluke to Run for Congress?

This would be awesome. Sandra Fluke, the former Georgetown Law student, who made a name for herself crying that she couldn’t afford her contraception, might run for Congress. Henry Waxman is turning up his nose at the thought of another… Continue Reading →

7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t be too Pumped about Pope Francis’ Rolling Stone Cover

There’s a few reasons Catholics shouldn’t get too psyched about Pope Francis being on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine. 7) It’s not 1978. Look, at one point Rolling Stone was a huge cover which granted the imprimatur of cool… Continue Reading →

Best Stay In School PSA Ever!

There are PSAs and there are PSAs. Behold, the best Stay in School PSA ever. It delivers one clear message: If you skip school, bad things man, bad bad things. Please note, the following video contains girls in bikinis and… Continue Reading →

Pope to Notre Dame: Don’t Cave On Catholic Principles

Wow. The following in Pope Francis’ address to the trustees of the University of Notre Dame. Read in the context of Notre Dame’s capitulation to the Obama administration over the contraception mandate, this could be seen as a stinging rebuke… Continue Reading →

A Conference Call in Real Life

This is really funny in a funny ’cause it’s absolutely dead on true kinda’ way. Badger Catholic had it up at their place since Tuesday so I don’t feel too bad about stealing it. They run a good Catholic site…. Continue Reading →

Mary, Joseph and Jesus Statues Vandalized at New Jersey Parishes

Several statues of the Virgin Mary, Joseph and Jesus were vandalized at two parishes in New Jersey over this past weekend. Reportedly, the vandals took the head of the statue of Mary and chopped the Joseph statue in half at… Continue Reading →

Awesome News Ticker

This is pretty funny. HT David L *subhead*Ha.*subhead*

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