Common Heresies don’t just happen. They are grown. Please read my “The Seven Stages of Heresy” at the National Catholic Register. I really appreciate your support over there! *subhead*Stage 1.*subhead*
I love funny Catholic things. Lotsa’ serious stuff out there. Not enough fun, if you ask me. Nobody did. But still. HT Lighthouse Catholic Media *subhead*Heh.*subhead*
Answering a question about when life begins, Cecile Richards disgustingly yet predictably answered that the question was irrelevant. The thing to notice here is how she squirms when she’s actually questioned. It’s almost as if she’s stunned that someone’s asking… Continue Reading →
SO this is where we are right now. Secular progressive moon-bats have so convinced themselves that the Pope is going to overturn Jesus, that the following post was written ironically by Wonkette. New Pope Stuffing Catholic Church Full Of Marxist… Continue Reading →
Let me be very clear. The last thing I want to be is the cause of any damage to the National Catholic Register. I have been honored to write for them these past years and to be involved in the… Continue Reading →
Amen and amen. The Pope is spot on here. The Second Vatican Council states that to the Bishops “is fully entrusted the pastoral office, that is the habitual and daily care of their flock” (Lumen Gentium, 27). We must dwell… Continue Reading →
Following a truck accident that killed dozens of chickens last month, a Georgia woman reportedly acting on behalf of PETA has requested that the Department of Transportation allow her to erect a ten foot tall tombstone “to commemorate the lives… Continue Reading →
This is horrible. CNS News reports: Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (PPNNE)–which received more than $2.75 million in government funding in 2012–has produced and posted online a video specifically aimed at teenagers that promotes bondage and sadomasochism (BDSM) and… Continue Reading →
Tolerance through disemboweling. Awwww. I know the Second City folks who made this would say, it’s just comedy. But it’s not funny. It’s a political point made by a frustrated mind. *subhead*Totalitolerance.*subhead*
@RussellCrowe tweeted Pope Francis numerous times yesterday, begging him to watch his new film “Noah.” Begging. Dear Holy Father @Pontifex @Pontifex_it @DarrenAronofsky #Noah film. Screening?The message of the film is powerful , fascinating , resonant — Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February… Continue Reading →
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