This is love. A 66 year old grandmother has carried her disabled granddaughter to school every day, according to news reports. The child Fang Mei Qiu can not stand for more than a few minutes without being in unbearable pain… Continue Reading →
There are many Catholic words that are very often misused. Today at the Register, I look at three. Sedevacantist, Ultramontanist, and Sensus Fidelium. Please go take a look. *subhead*What does it mean?.*subhead*
Speaking on Bill Maher’s show, former president Jimmy Carter warns that the carnage from infanticide and sex-selective abortions is four times worse than the body count of WWII. *subhead*Sanity.*subhead*
Between the stuffed Sasquatch and the terrifying wax chupacabra is an exhibit at the CMR Museum featuring an even more rarely sighted creature – the pro-life Democrat. While there have been a great many supposed sightings of the being, none… Continue Reading →
Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich, granted a vision of a future tumultuous time in the Church said this, “She (The Holy Mother) said a great many others things that it pains me to relate: she said that if only one priest… Continue Reading →
This is a shock. The prolific Noel Sheppard of has passed away from cancer at the age of 53. Please pray for the repose of his soul. Eternal rest, grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine… Continue Reading →
We are so done. Biblical comeuppance cannot come fast enough. Rorate reports on the woeful situation in Argentina in which a ‘married’ lesbian couple will present their child for baptism in the Cathedral right after the two mommies are confirmed…. Continue Reading →
There is blood in the water and it shines like bling. But does all episcopal bling shine as brightly? There are circles in the Church in Catholic media that erupted in derisive joy of the resignation of the Bishop of… Continue Reading →
We’ve seen videos like this before but there’s a shortage of beauty in the world. And who can tire of watching a miracle, even if it’s the second or third one you’ve seen. The look on this woman’s face is… Continue Reading →
OK, now that a hospital has been found to be using aborted babies as material to heat the hospital, is it OK yet to invoke the much maligned Nazi analogy? I know. I know. Any analogy to Nazis is outrageously… Continue Reading →
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