Finally! Hey, you know I was thinking that it was almost Easter and there hasn’t been some shocking new revelation that Jesus wasn’t real or he was real but was actually just a plumber from Poughkeepsie (which oddly enough was… Continue Reading →
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter came to speak at the University of Notre Dame. So horrified were some that they protested outside the event. But who they protested with is just a tad ironic. The student newspaper reports this precious nugget:… Continue Reading →
This is amazing news. According to internet activity it would seem that Christianity is a lot more popular than Communism in China right now. There is something beautiful going on in one of the most oppressive countries on the globe…. Continue Reading →
We outsource lies now. It is not necessary to lie directly, all one needs to do is concoct a cockamamie poll to do the lying for you. Case in point. The National Catholic Reporter (aka Fishwrap) (aka known as the… Continue Reading →
California’s Attorney General’s office has declared that Hoag hospital, which was recently bought by St. Joseph Health, does not have to perform abortions. Nice of her, right? However, the hospital must “help women access those services elsewhere.” Hoag has agreed… Continue Reading →
You’re either with Planned Parenthood or you’re against ’em. That’s it. You’re not allowed to have a toe in. You jump in headfirst or get out. A Pennsylvania Democrat politician who’s pro-abortion didn’t receive the endorsement from the abortion giant… Continue Reading →
Without additional comment so as to not reveal my inner fuddy-duddy. *subhead*Timing is everything, I think.*subhead*
Comedian Ricky Gervais supports euthanasia. Kind of like what he did to the Muppet franchise. What? Too soon? The interesting thing about this interview is that Gervais is absolutely right in realizing a very real problem in that society ignores… Continue Reading →
This weekend I went to confession at a parish near my son’s soccer game. I am weird that way, I seek out parishes away from home for my confession obligations. Anyway, I went to a parish. Nice enough looking Church… Continue Reading →
Possible presidential candidate Jeb Bush reportedly said that entering the country illegally can be an “act of love.” I’ve got to wonder, does anyone actually dispute that? Many of the people who come across the border into this country are… Continue Reading →
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