We Laugh Because We Believe

Month July 2014

Must See Video: Tim’s Place. Come for the Food or the Hugs.

Update: Now with actual video. That plays!!! Check out this wonderful video about a man with Down Syndrome who owns a restaurant. It may well be the happiest place on Earth. I love the dance before he opens the doors…. Continue Reading →

Salon Mag Calls Hobby Lobby Decision The Start of a “Religious Civil War.”

“This is a religious civil war: Hobby Lobby only the beginning for new religious theocrats” screams the headline at Salon.com. “The Tea Party controls the House. Religious extremists run the Supreme Court. We’re approaching a very scary time.” Paul Rosenberg,… Continue Reading →

Harry Potter Producer to Make Jesus Film “Zealot”

The funny thing about one of the producers of the Harry Potter movies making the controversial book about Jesus which was called “Zealot” is that when it fails, Hollywood will point to as another reason not to make religious movies…. Continue Reading →

I’m Making the Jump to Homeschooling

I’m making the big jump to homeschooling. If you’d have told me five years ago that I’d be teaching my children at home I’d have asked for a drug test. For you and me. But it’s come to it. And… Continue Reading →

My Rules for Discourse on the Internet

*subhead*Trying to keep it civil.*subhead* I could be having a great day and a nasty exchange on the Internet will always bring me down. Whether I am involved or not, uncivil discourse sucks the joy out of the Internet for… Continue Reading →

Louisiana Supreme Court orders priest to testify about confession

Whoa. This case is very troubling and a direct attack on the sanctity of confession. Ed Morrissey of HotAir takes us through the complicated case but I provide this exceprt In this case, the trap is even more complex. The… Continue Reading →

NOW Say Little Sisters Of The Poor Are “Dirty”

I cannot imagine a greater compliment from the repugnant hags at NOW than this. The National Organization for Women, one of the nation’s largest pro-abortion lobbies, named a Catholic order of nuns to a list called “The Dirty 100,” a… Continue Reading →

Newlyweds Photobombed by Tornado

This is just awesome. Everything you wanted to know about marriage is right here in this picture. A happy couple walking romantically along blissfully unaware of the SWIRLING WIND OF IMPENDING DOOOM sneaking up on their six. Photographer Colleen Niska… Continue Reading →

Are People Really This Angry?

So a bank teller was fired after saying “Have a blessed day” to customers. Now, if you ask me, the bank can have her say or not say whatever they want. She doesn’t need to work there so I’m not… Continue Reading →

Crazy Pro-Life Country Reports Abortion/Breast Cancer Link

And by crazy pro-life country I mean the most radically pro-abortion country in the history of the world – China. You see, it’s an interesting thing about China. They have no reason to hide anything about a link between abortion… Continue Reading →

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