In our world today, the role of fatherhood has become less clear. Some even question whether fathers are necessary at all. With five kids I’ve been wondering recently if I do enough or more accurately am I raising my children… Continue Reading →
Does anyone doubt that these Muslim radicals would attempt to assassinate the Pope given half a chance? CBS reports: A new report claims that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is targeting Pope Francis — a report that the… Continue Reading →
Two things – 1) This kid is wicked smart. 2) He might need some talking-to. Pretty hilarious though. *subhead*Funny.*subhead*
Good news…for public school teachers. You can threaten to stab children, say your “trigger finger is itchy” and say you want to pour hot coffee on them…and still keep your job. While that’s awesome for them, it’s not all that… Continue Reading →
Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Massachusetts bubble zone law was unconstitutional, Planned Parenthood of Northern New England has taken it upon itself to write up some new legislation that’s now being considered by The Burlington City Council… Continue Reading →
My nine year old son, whom I call “Action figure” since I call many of his sisters “dolls” lied to me recently. This was a big deal. It was one of those quick lies where I asked all of them… Continue Reading →
The American Sociological Association would like to know the gender of their members, so they asked them. So far so good. They asked them to pick ALL SEVEN that apply. WHAT?!?!? The American Sociological Association, the leading professional organization for… Continue Reading →
Despite hundreds (probably thousands) of media stories trumpeting studies which PROVE that child adopted by same-sex couples are not only okey-dokey, they’re probably better off than your children, some researching are raising their eyebrows and some questions. One such study,… Continue Reading →
Georgtown’s The Hoya said that the Jesuit University’s first lay president has done a great job during his tenure. Of course they think so. But they think his legacy needs…just a bit more…Democrat talking points to make it perfect. While… Continue Reading →
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