You know what is coming, right? VATICAN CITY (AP) — The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency met Friday with Vatican officials who helped draft Pope Francis’ upcoming encyclical on ecology, evidence that the Obama administration is seeking to… Continue Reading →
Do you remember this story I wrote from last summer? It made quite the splash. At the top of her flourishing career, a beautiful Spanish model has given it all up to become a nun. Olalla Oliveros, a beautiful and well… Continue Reading →
The “C-word” is, of course, Christ. Anita Dittman survived Hitler and the Nazis. Born Jewish, she became a Christian during the Holocaust. And it’s that part of her story which is verboten in public schools today. WND : Jews met… Continue Reading →
You gotta love Michael Hichborn (Lepanto Institute). He is a guard dog who has chomped on the leg of the enemy and he just won’t let go. He has the (disgusting) goods on Catholic Relief Services. BALTIMORE, MD, January 27,… Continue Reading →
Oh my. I don’t even know what to say anymore. I just don’t. While this may not be a sign of the apocalypse, it’s got to be a portent of bad things. Very bad things. It seems to me that… Continue Reading →
Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan has pretended to be a pro-life Catholic for years but now he says that talking to women helped change his mind into becoming pro-choice. This, of course, is malarkey. I don’t understand how talking to anyone… Continue Reading →
Maybe you remember the podcasts of the cool guys talking about Catholic stuff called “Three Dogs North” mentioned on CMR some time back? Well they just got cooler. One priest plus two seminarians plus seminary-rector-evengelist-media savvy-smart guy equals a good time…. Continue Reading →
In his most controversial plane interview to date, the Pope weighs in on the most controversial issue of the day!! *subhead*Oh yes!!*subhead*
I honestly don’t know what’s sadder, that California has made it illegal for state judges from being Boy Scout leaders or that a law professor at a Catholic college is cheering them on. The LA Times: When the California Supreme… Continue Reading →
CNS News created this awesome moment just by asking a very simple question: “Do you think an unborn child 20 weeks into pregnancy is a human being?” Recently, they asked Nancy Pelosi and got pure ridiculousness as an answer. This… Continue Reading →
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