We Laugh Because We Believe

Month January 2015

Dear Church, Beware Unproven Theories

Some few months back I wrote a post in which I advised that the Church should be more cautious in giving its seeming imprimatur to various different scientific theories. The post was widely misunderstood (my fault) as saying that the… Continue Reading →

SF Archbishop on Pelosi: Catholics Can’t Dissent on Abortion

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, in the wake of Nancy Pelosi’s statements (or non-statement) about late-term abortions, said “no Catholic can dissent in good conscience” from the Church’s teaching on life. But hold on, what if her entire political career depends on… Continue Reading →

Kids on a Snow Day

Kids are very happy on snow days. But couple of funny things about them. One. I’m shoveling the driveway at 8 a.m. this morning. It’s still snowing mind you but I’m a little crazy. I’d rather shovel light covering three… Continue Reading →

Deadbeat (Not) Dad

If you thought government in Detroit couldn’t get any worse, think again. The courts are threatening to throw a man in jail for failure to pay $30k for child support. Well, good you say? Well, I would too if not… Continue Reading →

Sons of Liberty? Good for Kids?

Hey, I’m kind of interested in History Channel’s Sons of Liberty. My children are interested as well so I’m wondering if anyone saw it and if so is it appropriate for kids? Is it historically accurate? I’d love it if… Continue Reading →

Fr. Richard McBrien Has Died

We pray for the soul of Fr. Richard McBrien. Fr. McBrien passed away Sunday at the age of 78. Fr. McBrien was a repeated foil on this blog in its early years as he represented in the media and promoted… Continue Reading →

200,000 of Anyone Else Would Get Coverage

The media once again largely ignored the March for Life which saw 200,000 plus people walking right down Constitution Avenue in Washington D.C. According to Newsbusters, CBS is the only one to even mention the March and they did it… Continue Reading →

Video: An Amazing Video Explaining the Eucharist

So when Jesus said, “This is My body” he meant it? Yeah. He did. HT CatholicMemes.com *subhead*CCD.*subhead*

PA’s Gov. Elect Nominates Transgender Doc as Physician General

Republicans won a lot of federal and state races this past November. But in Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf beat Republican Governor Tom Corbett. And now, Wolf is naming his cabinet. Dr. Richard Levine – who now goes by “Rachel” is Wolf’s… Continue Reading →

Just in Time for the March for Life, GOP Punks out on the Unborn

This is deflating. Here I am running out the door to head down to Washington D.C. for the March for Life and I read that the House GOP dropped plans to debate a bill that would make late-term abortions illegal…. Continue Reading →

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