We Laugh Because We Believe

Month May 2015

Roger Daltry is Insensitive to Pot-Smokers

There’s the irony of a band from the 60’s now yelling at people in the audience to stop smoking weed. It has the “get off my lawn you filthy kids” feel that makes it funny. But the angle that Radio.com… Continue Reading →

Group Warns of Dangers to Religious Freedom for Ireland

As Ireland seems on the brink of legalizing gay marriage tomorrow, a group called “Friends of Ireland” is warning about the dangers such a move would be to religious freedom. The group “Friends of Ireland” released a letter cautioning the… Continue Reading →

Americans Insanely Overestimate The Number of Gays

Hmmm. Wonder where Americans would get this idea? The Atlantic reports: In surveys conducted in 2002 and 2011, pollsters at Gallup found that members of the American public massively overestimated how many people are gay or lesbian. In 2002, a… Continue Reading →

How Not to Kill Catholicism

Catholicism is in the crosshairs. There’s little doubt about that. The secularist elites of the West are intent upon driving Catholicism from the public sphere and perhaps out of existence altogether. But on the other hand there’s really nothing new… Continue Reading →

Weird How the U.N. Doesn’t Seem to Want to Destroy Boko Haram But Is Intent on Killing Their Unborn Children

The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children is saying that the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has been pushing for abortions through its “counseling” outreach to the women. “UNFPA is one of the leading international groups promoting abortion in… Continue Reading →

You don’t think he means the Catholic Church, do you?

Hmmm. Wonder who he’s talking about. The Star Tribune: China’s president warned Wednesday that religions must be independent from foreign influence, as the government asks domestic religious groups to pledge loyalty to the state… “We must manage religious affairs in… Continue Reading →

Fordham Prof Blames Lack of Pro-Life Dems on…Pro-Lifers

Fordham professor Charles Camosy, in a piece for The Atlantic about the 20 week abortion ban, blamed the lack of pro-life Democrats on pro-lifers. Not on the Democrats themselves. As recently as 2009 a full quarter of the Democrat caucus… Continue Reading →

Students at Seton Hall Urge Archdiocese to Resinstate Priest Fired for Supporting Homosexuals

A petition was created on the website Change.org to urge the Archdiocese of Newark to reinstate Father Warren Hall to Campus Ministry at Seton Hall University. The petition claims he was fired for sharing a “No H8” photo on Facebook…. Continue Reading →

The Crisis I Am Imagining

I had a nightmare fueled by my irrational reactionary dread of everything new that causes me to see a crisis where none exists. I dreamed that a priest who openly and proudly contradicts Church teaching on homosexuality, a stance that… Continue Reading →

It is Time to Become Pro-life 3.0

*subhead*Past time, really.*subhead* For the last few years, scientists have been warning us that genetically modified children are just over the horizon. Rumors have been flying around that laboratories are already using a revolutionary new gene-editing technique called CRISPR to… Continue Reading →

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