“Not one more taxpayer dollar should go to Planned Parenthood and I intend to make that goal a reality.” -Rand Paul
Rand Paul is not sounding like an uncertain trumpet here and introduced an amendment to a highway bill to cut $500 million in taxpayer funding that annually is sent to Planned Parenthood. I like it.
Representative Diane Black introduced a bill for an immediate moratorium on all federal funding to Planned Parenthood for one year while Congress investigates the group in light of videos from the Center for Medical Progress which shows the abortion giant haggling over the cost of fetal body parts.
Gov. Chris Christie vowed that if he’s elected president he too will defund Planned Parenthood.
There’s no denying it, those videos from the Center for Medical Progress has given some momentum to pro-lifers in their push to get Planned Parenthood defunded.
You want more evidence?
Please continue reading at The National Catholic Register>>>
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