Wow. ROME – This morning, Pope Francis formally announced Father Robert Barron’s appointment as auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Bishop-Elect Barron is the founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, host of the award-winning CATHOLICISM film series,… Continue Reading →
So imagine this: You’re caught on video munching on a salad and slurping red wine while chortling about how you crush babies in order to maximize profit and you apologize for…YOUR TONE? What? Is there an appropriate tone that makes… Continue Reading →
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me… But not those wacky Christians. The U.S. State Department has denied creating a… Continue Reading →
*subhead*The “adult” stem cell that isn’t.*subhead* I wrote this piece weeks ago. It has just now been published online. I had no idea that the Center for Medical Progress was about to drop the bomb on Planned Parenthood and their… Continue Reading →
As we all know, Planned Parenthood does not perform breast cancer tests. They simply tell women they should go get their breasts checked. But that doesn’t stop many from listing “breast cancer tests” as something Planned Parenthood does to help… Continue Reading →
By Dr. Brian Kopp It’s been known for years that a large segment of lesbians suffer from PCO (Polycystic Ovaries) and PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). These conditions are a result of Metabolic Syndrome and insulin resistance, which is characterized by… Continue Reading →
The undercover video by the Center for Medical Progress is nothing short of a disaster for Planned Parenthood and the pro-death culture. Anyone who views it can not help but be disgusted by the abortion giant’s top doctor munching on… Continue Reading →
Here’s your money quote from the WaPo: It’s hard to assess exactly what happened at the lunch with Nucatola. The antiabortion group had complete control over the filming and editing of the footage. The group also posted a nearly three-hour… Continue Reading →
Democrats are frightened to death by the 20 week abortion bill. That bill makes Democrats change their shorts because they know that it’s a winning issue and that they look exactly like the pro-death lunatics that they actually are. To… Continue Reading →
Over at OnePeterFive I have an article up detailing the timeline of the commie-crucifix story and how the National Catholic Register willfully chose to publsih and maintain in full knowledge a false narrative about the story for days. It is… Continue Reading →
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