We Laugh Because We Believe

Month October 2015

Jesuit USF Student Newspaper Unanimously Supports Assisted Suicide

*subhead*Progressive fog and clouded brains.*subhead* The University of San Francisco (USF) is my alma mater. My name is on a plaque in the chemistry office for my academic exploits while I was there. Along with a degree in chemistry, I… Continue Reading →

Abp Chaput: “The Church can be truthful without being merciful. But she can’t be merciful without being truthful”

Archbishop Chaput’s latest is timely and important: As Rome’s Synod of Bishops on the Family closes its second week in a swarm of media attention and some very different interpretations, it might be a good time to remember one simple… Continue Reading →

Scientists Claim They Can Stop You From Believing in God…Using Magnets

You’ve got to love that scientists are wasting their time on this. I’m sure these “scientists” will be heralded as the Jonas Salks of atheism because they can inoculate the population from that eeeeeeevil Christianity. Thank goodness, we’re all saved…. Continue Reading →

Why Should the Synod Fathers Walk Out?

Steve Skojec at One Peter Five, my principle collaborator on the letter to the Synod Fathers #SynodWalkout has penned a piece that explains the history of such actions, our reasons for writing it, and crucially, clarifying what it calls for… Continue Reading →

What Does The #SynodWalkout Letter Really Say?

I have seen some criticism of the #SynodWalkout letter which says, “this is a bad idea, the good Bishops need to stay and work through the process.” My simple answer to that criticism is, READ THE LETTER. We do not… Continue Reading →

Violence, Persecution, and Christians? Don’t Worry Obama’s All Over It

Here’s a headline that should get you a little worried: “Christianity under global threat due to persecution.” Here’s a bit of the story from GOPUSA which follows: Christianity is in danger of ceasing to be a truly global faith as… Continue Reading →

Clergy Blesses Abortion Clinic

This reminds me of the infamous never seen movie where Jerry Lewis plays a clown leading Jews into the gas chamber. HT The Blaze *subhead*Ugh.*subhead*

I Love the Media. Did They Watch the Same Debate?

The Hill’s headline? Look for Sanders to surge after debate Shortly after the Democratic debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will experience a surge in support. The national stage will increase Sanders’s name recognition exponentially, his performance will no doubt endear… Continue Reading →

Urgent: Ask Faithful Bishops to Walk Out of the Synod

My friends. I have not given up yet. I have not resigned myself to the prescribed fate of the Synod of Doom. Some concerned friends and I got together and have produced an open letter to those faithful Synod Fathers… Continue Reading →

Hillary Clinton Sounds off on Planned Parenthood Debate

One would have to figure this was a planned line for applause at the Democrat debate. That’s why I can’t figure out how Hillary said something so dumb. I mean, it makes no sense whatsoever. She first starts off talking… Continue Reading →

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