Jesus made the dumb speak. It seems to me that a real miracle would be getting them to shut up. The View’s Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg said that Christian refugees are just as dangerous as Muslim refugees. They point… Continue Reading →
CNN’s global affairs correspondent Elise Labott tweeted out an incredibly biased message after today’s House vote to prohibit Syrian refugees from entering the U.S. at least temporarily. While the vote was an overwhelming (and veto proof) 289-137, with 47 Democrats… Continue Reading →
An ob/gyn wrote a piece for the New York Times saying he decided to perform abortions after being inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.’s sermon about the Good Samaritan. I don’t believe this at all. Let’s just get this right… Continue Reading →
This is just priceless. President Obama attempted to shame those who question whether it’s intelligent or safe to allow thousands of Syrian refugees into the country, especially when there’s 2,098 Muslims and just 53 Christians. But can we just recall… Continue Reading →
I came across this of Facebook and it made me do a spit take. So, no, I am not a big fan of meaningless social media support via profile pic overlays. This says it all… *subhead*Ha.*subhead*
Georgetown University has announced it will rename two buildings which were named for former presidents with ties to slavery. No word yet on the Jesuit university recanting all the honors it has bestowed on pro-abortion politicians. Now, according to the… Continue Reading →
*subhead*NFP and PB&J.*subhead* When I was in my teens, my parents were editors of the International Review of Natural Family Planning. They would sit across the kitchen table from each other and read out each article word by word, punctuation… Continue Reading →
We should all keep France in our prayers right now. Speaking to the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis spoke of the horrible terrorist attacks, saying: Dear brothers and sisters, I want to express my profound sorrow over… Continue Reading →
This seems like a good idea that I can’t believe isn’t already accepted everywhere. Parents are paying taxes to support the school but kids who are homeschooled or in private schools can’t join teams and activities in public schools. As… Continue Reading →
Ugh. This is so absurd that I have to think that they’re just trolling pro-lifers. But I actually don’t. I think they have zero self insight so don’t see how tearing children apart for money might be a little weird…. Continue Reading →
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