This seems like a good idea that I can’t believe isn’t already accepted everywhere. Parents are paying taxes to support the school but kids who are homeschooled or in private schools can’t join teams and activities in public schools.

As you might imagine, teachers’ unions wouldn’t want this to pass because it would be one more reason for folks not to feel pressured to send their kids to public school.

WKYT reports:

When Kentucky lawmakers return to Frankfort for the legislative session in January, they will consider a bill named after former Florida and NFL quarterback, Tim Tebow.

Representative Stan Lee, pre-filed the bill, and says it will give home-schooled students a chance to play sports.

“These parents pay the same taxes that everyone pays, even though they don’t have children in the public school system,” Lee said.

The bill doesn’t just apply to home-schooled students.
Students at private schools that don’t have a particular activity, would be able to participate in that activity at a public school.

Jennifer Pederson with Montessori High School in Lexington, says the bill would benefit their 20 students.

“I think we have some very, very talented students that would make great assets in any program the participate in,” Pederson said.

“Being a small school, we aren’t able to host these big extracurricular activities. It would be a great way for kids to interact with other students and participate in these organized activities,” she said.

Hey, speaking of Tebow, you thinking the Eagles are regretting cutting him?
