We Laugh Because We Believe

Month January 2016

George Weigel TimeWarp

I must admit that I got a kick out of reading George Weigel today over at First Things. For me, it was like a blogging flashback, a flashback to a much simpler time. George Weigel has a perfectly fine post… Continue Reading →

CBS: Nancy Drew Can Be Any Ethnicity…Except White

Sometimes I love it when liberals speak honestly. CBS is considering a new Nancy Drew show but the actress can not be white but then he says he’s totally open to all ethnicities. But love the way the executive speak…. Continue Reading →

The Catholic Actor Who Turned Down the Role of James Bond

Sean Connery and Roger Moore should thank Catholic actor Patrick McGoohan for their careers. There’s no doubt that the role of James Bond has created many careers including (and originally) Sean Connery’s. Most actors would do just about anything to… Continue Reading →

Good News, PBS Believes in Satan. Bad News, They Think It’s Ted Cruz

David Brooks, the alleged conservative at the New York Times, was on PBS to discuss politics and he called Ted Cruz “satanic.” And then the other guest, David Corn, gets almost giddy and joins in by calling Ted Cruz’s father… Continue Reading →

This Hologram Tech Looks Pretty Crazy Awesome

Wow. Give these guys their billion dollars, you rich entrepreneur investor types. *subhead*Wow.*subhead*

Discuss: Iron Man or Captain America

*subhead*Talk amongst yourselves.*subhead* Last week I asked CMR readers which was the better role model Iron Man or Captain America. Thank-you to all who responded. Not surprisingly, Cap won the day by an overwhelming margin. One person asked if it… Continue Reading →

The Least Surprising Endorsement Ever

I love how we’re all supposed to be surprised that for the first time ever, Planned Parenthood is endorsing in a presidential primary…AND IT’S HILLARY!!!! I mean seriously, who saw that coming? Oh, everyone. Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards called… Continue Reading →

Islamic Radical Shoots Philly Cop, Mayor Says “Too Many Guns.”

The man who attempted to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer, Edward Archer, reportedly confessed that he did it in the name of Islam. ABC 6 reports that the shooter had pledged allegiance to ISIS. But don’t worry. Philadelphia Mayor Jim… Continue Reading →

How is it That Gay People Are Always Shocked When Fired by Church?

It just gets so tiresome. Every time you read a story about a gay dude who got fired from their job as a Catholic school teacher, parish musical director, or church secretary, they say they had NO IDEA that their… Continue Reading →

Congressman: Jesus and Moses Would Fund Planned Parenthood

In opposing the GOP’s bill to defund Planned Parenthood and repeal Obamacare, Democrat congressman Steve Cohen (D.-Dumb.) argued that Jesus and Moses would oppose it. CNS pulled this quote: “We just came through Hanukkah and Christmas, and we ought to… Continue Reading →

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