We Laugh Because We Believe

Month October 2016

Tim Tebow Silences Stephen A. Smith on ESPN

Tim Tebow’s earnestness cuts through the cynicism of ESPN. And it’s kinda’ awesome. *subhead*Dreams.*subhead*

Poll: Trump Would Win Big if Teens Voted and Why That Means We’re All Doomed

Look, I don’t typically care what teens think. I have three of them right now. All girls. I know, right? I very rarely ask their advice on anything. Not even directions. Well, to be honest I never ask anyone for… Continue Reading →

Funniest Political Ad of the Year.

Every political season, at least one candidate somewhere makes a great political ad. This is that ad for this season. It’s called “Please re-elect Gerald” and it’s a plea from the candidate’s wife to get her husband out of the… Continue Reading →

I Recorded a Segment with Al Kresta Today to Discuss “Faith Under Fire”

I recorded a segment on the great Al Kresta’s radio show on Ave Maria radio to talk about the state of religious freedom, our dark times, and a little bit of hope from my book “Faith Under Fire: Dramatic Stories… Continue Reading →

The State of Journalism

The moment journalism takes a side on what they perceive to be the right side and the wrong side it ceases to be about truth. And inevitably devolves into propaganda. *subhead*sad but true.*subhead*

So Where’s the “Comeback Kid” Trump Story from NBC?

So, less than 2 weeks ago NBC had a poll which had Trump down 11. Today, they release a poll that he’s down 5. Oddly, there’s zero stories about a comeback by Trump. Hmmmm. I point this out, not to… Continue Reading →

New and Awesome: Vasectomy Parties

There’s a new trend in the world of the young and hep: Vasectomy Parties! Daily Mail: The cost of having children is deterring a growing number of couples from expanding the family unit. Vasectomies, once a source of shame, are… Continue Reading →

Assisted Suicide Bill Prompts Insurance to Deny Chemo to Mom, Offers Suicide Pill for $1.20.

A wife and mother of four children was diagnosed with a terminal form of scleroderma. Heartbreaking. She and her husband, who live in California, spoke to their insurance carrier to ask if they’d cover a different kind of chemotherapy at… Continue Reading →

Someone Explain to me How this is “Progress?”

China and the Vatican have been at loggerheads for decades. But what’s happening here doesn’t necessarily seem like good news. At least I don’t think. If anyone knows more about it, please let me know. Reuters: Representatives from the Vatican… Continue Reading →

Clinton to Apologize to Cardinal Dolan and Catholics? Nah.

There have been some awful things said about Catholics recently from a number of people in the Hillary Clinton campaign. You might have heard about them. But then again you might not have if you’re getting your news from the… Continue Reading →

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