We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2016

Good News from Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary

Some good news out there. Not only are the number of seminarians rising but donations are up, which means people are remembering how important vocations are. This from the archdiocese: Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary today announced that it raised $3.4… Continue Reading →

Museum Plans to Desecrate Image of Virgin Mary in Museum

This is the age we live in. Yes, it’s anti-Catholics nutjobbery. But I’m not even focusing on that. Is this what passes for art nowadays? That’s the thing. Art is just p.r. nowadays. It has nothing to do with skills… Continue Reading →

Randy Travis Rises From Wheelchair and Sings Amazing Grace. Beautiful

Randy Travis, the great country singer who suffered a stroke a few years back and has been out of the public eye, surprised the crowd at the Country Music Hall of Fame Medallion Ceremony (Oct. 16) when he sang part… Continue Reading →

We Need Heroes Right Now

The government is coming after Christians. We now have evidence that the Democrat Party is seeking to subvert the Catholic Church. We see judges ruling that crisis pregnancy centers must refer for abortion. We see that you can not be… Continue Reading →

So Yeah, I’m Losing Faith in the Faithless System

So Trump should not be saying the election is rigged because that might lead people to lose faith in the system? So despite all the media bias, urban election fraud, and collusion from the FBI and DOJ with the Democrat… Continue Reading →

CNN Blames The Victim in “Political Terrorism”

Well, what was she wearing? Asking that question would be victim shaming. But that’s the equivalent of what CNN did here. Newsbusters: Horrible news broke Sunday afternoon as details emerged of the vicious firebombing of the Orange County GOP Head… Continue Reading →

Religious Freedom Means Pro-Lifers Referring for Abortions

So get this. In America today, pro-lifers must tell women considering abortion where they can get that abortion. That’s freedom of religion, according the federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Just out of interest, how many Planned Parenthoods talk to… Continue Reading →

CRS Distributes Contraceptives

Michael Hichborn and the Lepanto Institute have the goods of the very non-Catholic relief services. Proof that CRS stored and dispensed 2.25 million units of abortifacient contraceptives and condoms in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This report is important in… Continue Reading →

So Dems Don’t Like to Be Interfered With? heh.

So the Obama administration is threatening to launch a vast cyber war against Russia in response to the country’s alleged interference with the Democrat party. So by that logic, shouldn’t the Vatican launch a cyber war against the Democrat party… Continue Reading →

The Most Milquetoast Defense of Catholicism Ever from USCCB President

Look, I’m glad that the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is making a statement about the emails which show that the Democrat Party is working to undermine the Catholic faith. I really am glad. But they… Continue Reading →

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