Much of the media is reporting that NBA Detroit Pistons head coach Stan Van Gundy went on an anti-Trump rant. And that’s fine. If you want to talk politics, have at it. It seems to me that the NFL shows… Continue Reading →
A Trump win has a massive impact on issues relating to abortion and religious freedom. Here are five immediate impacts: (5) Supreme Court Possible Headline: “Donald Trump wins, Merrick Garland updates his resume.” President Obama nominated pro-abortion Merrick Garland but Republicans… Continue Reading →
When Canada learns that celebrities such as Amy Schumer, Raven Symone, Whoopi Goldberg, Chelsea Handler, Samuel L. Jackson, and Cher plan to move there now that Trump is president, I’m betting Canada will start building a wall. If these people… Continue Reading →
This pic from the New York Times shows just how unexpected yesterday’s results were. The red line denotes Trump’s chances of winning as of 7 p.m. It’s the best graphic that shows how crazy this actually is. *subhead*Yes!!!.*subhead*
If I am wrong and Trump pulls off a miracle tomorrow, I will happily take all the crap you can deal out with a smile on my face, breathe a sigh of relief, and then prepare to battle the Trump/GOP… Continue Reading →
Headline: State Department officials asked a federal court Monday to consider allowing them up to five years for their review of 31,000 pages of emails recovered by the FBI during its year-long investigation of Hillary Clinton. Me: They should just… Continue Reading →
So how goes the self esteem movement? NPR: A new report shows that, for the first time, suicide rates for U.S. middle school students have surpassed the rate of death by car crashes. The suicide rate among youngsters ages 10… Continue Reading →
This is a hit job. Plain and simple. A lawyer claimed that a young woman was going to accuse Donald Trump of child rape. However, right before the press conference is scheduled to take place, it was cancelled. Now, the… Continue Reading →
These young hippie Berkley students talk about why they don’t support voter identification laws. They think blacks don’t know how to access the internet and don’t know how to get ID. Watch Harlem residents react to this ignorance and bigotry…. Continue Reading →
Reason to homeschool 2,789. Daily Caller: A new guide released to teachers in Canada outlines ways that teachers can make classrooms more inclusive. In one such proposal, it is suggested that students be referred to “comrades” instead of boys and… Continue Reading →
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