Souter. The name itself sends shudders up the spines of pro-lifers across the U.S. Because of his pro-abortion jurisprudence, this country has been stuck with abortion being legal up to the moment of birth. His lack of a record was… Continue Reading →
Priceless hypocrisy. One and a half million British people have signed a petition to ban Donald Trump from visiting the UK. Now Parliament is debating whether to even let Trump into their country. All because they think it’s unwelcoming and… Continue Reading →
Hey, remember Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because that was her job. Liberals rejoiced! They said she’d refused to do her job, so they sent her to jail…. Continue Reading →
Madeline Albright and Gloria Steinem have both declared that they would register as a Muslim should the Trump administration demand Muslims do so. Firstly, this is an act which requires zero bravery because there are no consequences to saying so…. Continue Reading →
This is just horrible. A Dutch doctor who had family members hold down an elderly woman while she injected a lethal dose of poison has been cleared. This assisted suicide was assisted alright but it certainly wasn’t suicide. It was… Continue Reading →
Just a few weeks ago, the long time director of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP). Now, a lawsuit has been filed last week by a former employee of SNAP which alleges that the organization exploits survivors… Continue Reading →
In these dark days when Christians are in the crosshairs of governments and secularist ideologues, it’s important to acknowledge the stories of ordinary Christians who are standing up for their faith. Allow yourself to be inspired. Faith Under Fire: Dramatic… Continue Reading →
OK. Tell me this doesn’t worry you. Even a little? Damian Thompson: The Knights of Malta – an ancient Catholic order that dates back to the crusades – have enjoyed the privileges of a sovereign state for 900 years. Last night the… Continue Reading →
I won’t be traveling with them but I’ll be down there with the kids. Can’t wait. It’ll be like Woodstock. But with less drugs and sex. But more God. Definitely more God. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput O.F.M. Cap. will lead… Continue Reading →
C-SPAN has informed the National Catholic Register that they plan to televise the March for Life live this year. That is good news to pro-lifers because we are so used to being ignored by most (if not all) of the… Continue Reading →
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