We Laugh Because We Believe

Month July 2017

Spanish Leftists and Muslims to Seize Control of Cathedral

All your Church are belong to me. If everything belongs to “the world” then nothing belongs to you. You see how it works, right? And then those with political power will own everything; even in this case a Catholic cathedral…. Continue Reading →

Lesbian mom Says Christian Judge Must Recuse Himself from Divorce Case

Well, I guess I should’ve seen this coming. I didn’t. But I should have. AL.com: A lesbian mom is demanding that the judge assigned to her divorce case must recuse himself because he’s a Christian who actually believes all that… Continue Reading →

This is Why Charlie Gard Matters

Charlie Gard’s parents have dropped the petition to treat their child in the United States, stating that endless delays have pushed him past the point of even the possibility of recovery. So a child will die. A child that possibly… Continue Reading →

Please Read the Heartbreaking Statement from Charlie Gard’s Parents

Charlie Gard’s parents released this heartbreaking statement. “Firstly, I would like to thank our legal team who have worked tirelessly on our behalf for free. And to the nurses and staff at Great Ormond Street Hospital who have cared for… Continue Reading →

College Educted Libs are Least Tolerant

Tell me something I don’t know. College educated liberals are the most intolerant of others political beliefs because for them politics is religion. The funny thing is that every conservative knows this as a fact yet still the popular portrayal… Continue Reading →

Putting the “You” in Eugenics

Since being spoiled for a few decades by the Nazis, eugenics is becoming all the rage again. The most recent example is a new program in White County, Tennessee, which offers inmates the option of having time removed from their… Continue Reading →

Nicole Brown Could Not be Reached for Comment

I know. I know. Everyone keeps telling me that the parole board COULD NOT take into account OJ’s infamous history. I’m just saying that I know it’s not strictly right. But I’d have a tough time doing a job where… Continue Reading →

Prayers for Political Opponents are not Hypocritical

I remember a few years ago feeling weird about offering prayers for Ruth Vader Ginsburg. I did it anyway. It’s not hypocrisy for those who’ve long vehemently opposed Senator McCain to offer prayers for him. It’s people at their best…. Continue Reading →

New Study Says Shroud of Turin Has Blood of Tortured Man on it

Wait, I thought it was a medieval forgery!!! The New York Post is reporting on a study that says that “the Shroud of Turin is stained with the blood of a torture victim.” Who could’ve possibly seen this coming? NY… Continue Reading →

Matt’s Horrible No Good Very Bad Gallbladder

I was recently in the hospital getting my gallbladder ripped out. It seems it was attacking my pancreas which is like totally uncool. I mean, behavior like that is grounds for ejection. That’s like walking into a 7-11 with no… Continue Reading →

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