It’s really not that difficult to see how the greatest scam with a body count works. The Democrats push for and fight to protect hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars going to Planned Parenthood. The abortion giant, in return, takes… Continue Reading →
In the past week (ok, I’m a little late with this story but hey, I’ve got five needy kids who like to eat three times a day and don’t like to clean up after themselves) we’ve seen a slew of… Continue Reading →
I’ve got to admit, I always get a kick out of it when archaeologists stumble upon evidence that incidents recorded in the Bible actually happened. The book of Jeremiah says, ‘Now on the seventh day of the fifth month, which… Continue Reading →
A German Court has decided that the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is not a Religion. That’s because it’s an internet meme that wants to have social relevance. And a road sign. Yeah, that’s what they want -a road… Continue Reading →
Let’s take a moment to celebrate a religious liberty victory. It doesn’t happen often so let’s cherish it. In the most unexpected news of the day, the state of Wisconsin cannot legally force Christian photographer Amy Lynn to photograph same-sex… Continue Reading →
The media is irate over Trump’s immigration bill. CNN’s Jim Acosta Says The Statue of Liberty’s inscription doesn’t say anything about speaking English. But isn’t the inscription written in Elnglish? #justsayin *subhead*ENnlish.*subhead*
Just in time for the complete Republican implosion, the Democrats go and threaten to pull defeat from the jaws of victory. I kid. I kid. Actually, the Republicans are screwed. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Ben Ray Luján said… Continue Reading →
It’s a p.r. stunt lawsuit…that’s been allowed to move forward by a court. Yup. You can’t even be funny anymore. Washington Times: Chris Sevier says that if same-sex couples are able to get married and demand that Christian bakers make… Continue Reading →
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