We Laugh Because We Believe

Month September 2017

Finland Has a “Massive Baby Problem”

The headline states that Finland has a “massive baby problem.” No. Not THIS kind of Massive Baby problem. This kind. And empty cribs coupled with a huge socialist state is not…oh what’s the word the kids like today…oh, sustainable. Bloomberg:… Continue Reading →

Muhammad Most Popular Baby Name in UK.

Five years running. Breitbart: Muhammad is the top name for baby boys in the English regions of London and the West Midlands in 2016, and was the top scoring across the whole of England and Wales in the year when… Continue Reading →

Victory! Farmer Can Sell at Farmers Market Even Though He’s Catholic!

A federal court ruled that the city of East Lansing can’t bar a Catholic organic farmer from their 2017 farmer’s market after the city specifically created an ordinance for the purpose of banning him because he posted about his support… Continue Reading →

Remember, Trump Said he was Wiretapped. Well…

Remember how we all laughed and laughed when Donald Trump alleged that the Obama administration wiretapping him. Hahahahahaha. Soooooooo wrong. The Obama administration merely wiretapped Trump’s campaign manager’s phone with whom Trump spoke frequently. Hot Air: There’s a lot here… Continue Reading →

I think what Harvard did to Bradley Manning was terrible

I think it was horrible of Harvard to try to make Bradley Manning a “fellow” when he spent all that money on women’s clothes and makeup and all. Just terrible. I’m glad they backed away from that. Please just let… Continue Reading →

Women Sprayed with Acid in Marseille Forgive Attacker

This is amazing. How beautiful is this? In this world, one of the only things that have the power to shock is forgiveness. And I think in a very real way, forgiveness is an expression of love. But this story… Continue Reading →

Actors so Bored with Their Craft and Lives, They Obsess over Politics

One must assume that the acting community is not very impressed with the achievements of actors because on their biggest night of the year set aside specifically to honor actors, all they can do is talk politics. These people must… Continue Reading →

A terrific freakin’ idea

Headline: Outraged illegal aliens demand that law enforcement announce their raids in advance. Me: A mafia spokesperson said “this seems like a terrific freakin’ idea.” Hot Air reports: Earlier this month the Department of Homeland Security had planned a wide… Continue Reading →

Robot Ordered to Commit Suicide on Saturn

Upon command, the pioneering Cassini spacecraft robot will commit suicide by plunging itself into Saturn. However, I’m telling you now that if this thing at any point turns around suddenly and starts heading back towards Earth we should all probably… Continue Reading →

New Movie “Breathe” Promotes Love, Not Euthanasia

Suicide and euthanasia are portrayed as happy and life affirming in much of our culture today. Just last year, there was that movie “Me Before You” which celebrated a man’s decision to die as an act of love for his… Continue Reading →

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