This is a worldwide problem that is not solved by attacking the Church. Now, we do expect more from our Church leaders in response to such degradation, horror, and sinfulness. In the end, chastity is the answer. There is no other.
This epidemic of pedophilia and pederasty seems to be growing, perhaps a fruit of the sexual revolution. Some say that the internet creates such monsters, others say it simply gives them a public room to operate.
The long list of powerful people in Jeffrey Epstein’s book has been covered up. His “suicide” shows how high up the protecters of pedophiles go.
For the Church’s protection of the abusers they have rightly been pilloried. The secular world is now doing the same. The media and the government are conspiring in silence. That must end.
Do you think the wokeness in our public schools will stem this or increase it? Drag queen reading hour? Sexual awakening seminars for kindergartners? The culture war is about protecting children. When we shrug and say we’re above politics or that we don’t want to get our hands dirty with politics, we’re saying we will not fight for these children.
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