Tolerance. This is an assault on parental rights and sanity. The State of Illinois wants to change the term of “abused child” to mean any child whose parents won’t agree to a sex change. Parental consent for puberty blockers, cross-sex… Continue Reading →
They should wear their injuries proudly. What greater cause than the advancement of leftism could there be? Todd Starnes: A girls basketball game was called at halftime after three young female players were injured by a giant male player who… Continue Reading →
Offend God publicly but then quietly admit your sin and go on with your day. Does that sound like a recipe for success for the Church today? Make no mistake, this is cowardice. Cardinal Timothy Dolan of the Archdiocese… Continue Reading →
Sorry about my absence. We were moving networks or servers or something and it took longer than expected. But this is pretty great. I saw this a few days ago and thought it would be great for CMR but then… Continue Reading →
Elon Musk is one of those guys that says things and has me sitting up and saying, “yes, Yes, YES!” But then he says other things and I’m like: So, Elon has talked a lot about the fact that we’re… Continue Reading →
Yeah, you might remember John Podesta from all those leaked emails in which he conclusively showed he was anti-Catholic and that he was into some pretty weird stuff. Let’s leave the weird “spirit cooking” invitation aside for now. His efforts… Continue Reading →
Satan doesn’t need you to worship Satan. As long as you don’t worship God, he’s already won. The moment you become the arbiter of morality, you essentially declare yourself God. You are essentially re-creating Lucifer’s fall. My will over Yours…. Continue Reading →
As you know, I love conversion stories. This is a great one. To be fair, they’re all great. I mean, think about it. A soul chooses God. Heaven rejoices. Alphonse Ratisbone hated the Catholic Church and had every reason not… Continue Reading →
I’ve officially got my hopes up. I must admit I’m not loving the Shania twain song for the trailer but I hope they know what they’re doing. Think about where Christian movies were a decade ago and where they are… Continue Reading →
Before we dive into this story, please take a guess what department this stinker prof was in. Come on. Which department always goes leftie first? She was a psychology professor. Of freaking course. The “soft” sciences always go first. You… Continue Reading →
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