Maybe you remember the podcasts of the cool guys talking about Catholic stuff called “Three Dogs North” mentioned on CMR some time back? Well they just got cooler. One priest plus two seminarians plus seminary-rector-evengelist-media savvy-smart guy equals a good time…. Continue Reading →
*subhead*Relaxing and Beautiful.*subhead* There are a lot of things to worry about in the world. But God still reveals Himself through the hands of men. Sip a glass of wine, do some deep breathing and marvel at this beautiful process… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Basketball and priesthood.*subhead* It’s had over 30,000 views. Have you seen it yet? Know any young men who could benefit from watching this? Pass it on!
*subhead*Seminarians and a Baby Priest Talk God, Church and Salvation.*subhead* A while back we introduced CMR readers to a little initiative of some eager, upstart seminarians who liked talking about God, souls, the Church, their hope for the future. A… Continue Reading →
This weekend I attended Mass at a beautiful little church with a very traditional approach to liturgy and preaching. The priest gave a fine homily on the “last things” including hell, which is pretty rare these days. After saying that… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Trying to Help Bring Beauty Back.*subhead* A week from today I’ll be going to New Zealand to give a week of lectures on the theology of church architecture. Several years ago, the beautiful and historic city of Christchurch, New Zealand,… Continue Reading →
About a year ago, I was invited to go down south and give a talk at the meeting of the CMSWR, the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious. To speak plainly, this is the umbrella organization of what most… Continue Reading →
Regarding message t-shirts, usually I either: a) don’t notice or b) am annoyed. Frequently, they are badges that the wearer is president of the nerd patrol. But I saw this on someone in the supermarket last night and it got… Continue Reading →
Vatican Radio announced recently that the Vatican will have an exhibit at the Venice Biennale, a world-renowned festival centered in the lagoon city. One might expect that it would be a great opportunity to showcase a renewal of sacred art,… Continue Reading →
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