Oh if only abortion were completely legal this never would’ve happened. Oh wait…. LifeNews.com reports: A Planned Parenthood in Everett, Washington sent a woman to the hospital late Friday following a botched abortion and the head of the local abortion… Continue Reading →
I’ve always gotten a kick out of pro-aborts who complain that Republicans want the government in the bedroom while they themselves tell people what to do in every other room in the house. (Although I still don’t understand how making… Continue Reading →
MSNBC’s Cenk Uygur has the name of a Middle Earth orc. And he has the philosophy of one too. He said yesterday that the unborn babies would want their mothers to have the right to abort them. His argument about… Continue Reading →
I would love it if this could actually happen. Something tells me that it won’t because pro-aborts prefer silence and darkness but it would be awesome. LifeSiteNews.com reports: The former Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life advocate, Abby Johnson, has challenged… Continue Reading →
I try not to get upset at media bias anymore. Since the 2008 election I just laugh because the media has beclowned themselves so badly and are sowing the seeds of their own destruction. And I must thank the Associated… Continue Reading →
AveMaria111 writes: “A pro-abortion “Walk for Choice” rally was held in downtown Chicago’s Daley Plaza on Saturday, February 26, 2011. Participants of the “Walk for Choice” were protesting HR Bill 3 which limits taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. As a… Continue Reading →
An unborn child is going to take the stand as a witness to testify on behalf of a bill in the Ohio legislature outlawing abortion after the first detectable heartbeat. WJTV reports: Faith2Action, the anti-abortion group that has targeted Ohio… Continue Reading →
Defund. Planned Parenthood. Now. HT Jill Stanek
All it took was some pro-abortion harassment, a threat of violence, and the prospect of an Al Sharpton led protest and now a pro-life billboard is being removed from Manhattan. Yup, the billboard that showed a young black girl in… Continue Reading →
Lila Rose was over the line with her undercover stings on Planned Parenthood.Pro-lifers holding up graphic abortion signs are over the line.The Susan B. Anthony List pointing out in a billboard that a vote for Obamacare was a vote for… Continue Reading →
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