The Baltimore city health department fined a business called Healthy Choice John’s Barbecue, for violating the ban on trans fats. The city passed a law making it illegal to sell foods they deem to be high in trans fats because… Continue Reading →
I’ve seen this tactic being used more and more by the pro-death crowd. Pro-aborts argue in favor of killing babies out of love because they want their imaginary children to be given a great life with advantages so anything less… Continue Reading →
I heard two women arguing yesterday. One was pro-life and the other was pro-choice. I could see that the pro-life woman was truly distressed to learn her friend/acquaintance was pro-choice but the argument she gave disturbed me. The conversation started… Continue Reading →
Abby Johnson, formerly of Planned Parenthood and now an ardent pro-lifer, tells a crowd of pro-lifers what she believes Mother Teresa said to Hillary Clinton over lunch years ago. It’s a heck of a zinger if it’s true. Check out… Continue Reading →
The Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life PAC, recently tried to place an ad on four billboards stating that Ohio Representative Steve Driehaus voted for federally funded abortion when he voted for Obamacare. Driehaus didn’t like that and sent out… Continue Reading →
Global warming alarmist types are in a dither, according to a study in The Scientific American entitled “Will Birth Control Solve Climate Change?” The Chicken Littles are desperate to stop babies from being born but aren’t sure of the best… Continue Reading →
When the Republican Party held their first convention in 1856 the delegates adopted a platform stating “It is the duty of Congress to prohibit in the territories those twin relics of barbarism, polygamy and slavery.” What I find most amazing… Continue Reading →
Hey stay at home Moms, cut it out. Get a job. You’re wrecking it for the rest of the women who are out in the real world. Either ditch the apron for the business suit or you’re betraying your sisters…. Continue Reading →
This is so completely stupid. I’d comment on it but I have to go pick up the kids from school. Cassy Fiano tears it apart better than I could anyway. Pro-abortion radicals will try to use any tool in their… Continue Reading →
Senate candidate Carly Fiorina wants you to know she’s pro-life. But she wants everyone to know that she’s not like really really pro-life. She’s kinda’ OK with life, not totally against it but if someone wanted to be against it… Continue Reading →
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