We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Abortion

NY Times: Conservatives = Stalinists?

The G.O.P. Stalinists Invade Upstate New York. That’s the headline of Frank Rich’s column which ran in the New York Times today. Now, I’m not going to belabor the point and rattle on about how outrageous Rich’s sentiments are because… Continue Reading →

Did Your Parish Mention Healthcare?

I was surprised this morning but my parish didn’t mention Congress’ healthcare plan as requested by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. My parish is very strongly pro-life but today we had a visiting priest so there might have… Continue Reading →

Safe, Legal and Rare. And Funded!

Pro-choice Democrat Rep. John Yarmuth was in a difficult position last night on Chris Matthews’ Hardball. This is interesting because it marks the first time a Democrat has felt uncomfortable on MSNBC since Bill Clinton said something negative about Barack… Continue Reading →

Randall Terry Is Not Helping

Randall Terry is running a contest on his website called the “Burn in Hell” Contest and he’s calling on pro-lifers to burn Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in effigy on Halloween, video it, send it to Terry, and win prizes… Continue Reading →

Pro-Life Stupak Says He’d Vote for Obamacare

Well that was quick. You see, for a few hours today I believed in the existence of moderate Democrats. I really did. For years I thought of moderate Democrats as similar to Bigfoot and Chupacabra. Sure, other people said they… Continue Reading →

Obama Wasn’t Lying, He Was Imagining.

Remember when Obama told the joint session of Congress in his speech: And one more misunderstanding I want to clear up — under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain… Continue Reading →

29 Uhms And 1 Big Fat Lie

David Axelrod is lying about federal funding for abortion in Obamacare. And he’s doing it poorly to boot. But clearly the audience at the Kennedy School of Government was cool with that because as Greg Hengler points out, nobody called… Continue Reading →

Law & Order Does Tiller

If I didn’t know better I’d think the television show Law & Order hates abortionists? In the past ten years Law & Order and its spinoffs have depicted the murder of more abortionists than have actually occured in real life…. Continue Reading →

Another Heartwarming Pro-Choice Story

Before you read this you must promise to agree that this should not be classified as pro-abortion violence. That would be crazy. We all know that pro-lifers like you are the violent wackjobs. Remember, admitting your problem gets you halfway… Continue Reading →

Abortion is the New Big Mac

President Obama and his pro-abortion acolytes often say things like “I believe that most women don’t make that (abortion) decision lightly.” Can we just be done with that one? Really. A recent study discussed at LifeSite by the pro-abortion Guttmacher… Continue Reading →

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