You know how us Christian types are always trying to shut down science. (Insert evil laugh here) So why is it that we’re the ones always embracing new technology and scientific breakthroughs when it comes to babies in the womb…. Continue Reading →
The new movie “My Sister’s Keeper” deals with the phenomenon known as savior siblings. In the film, which was reviewed favorably by movie critic Roger Ebert, young Anna was brought into the world via in vitro fertilization, so that she… Continue Reading →
Nancy Pelosi said today at a press conference: “It’s important and that’s why I’m so glad that people of faith are working with us to preserve God’s beautiful creation.” No she wasn’t talking about God’s beautiful creations like this one:… Continue Reading →
Episcopalian Priest, the Rev. Nina Churchman wrote a letter to Episcopal Life Online saying that women shouldn’t have to ask for forgiveness for aborting a child. In fact, Rev. Churchman then goes one step further and says God rejoices in… Continue Reading →
Tim Graham, of NRO’s Media Blog caught this gem from Obama’s essay in Parade Magazine about fatherhood. I think Obama’s going to need his teleprompter to even write his essays now too. Here’s what Obama wrote: That is why we… Continue Reading →
The Kansas City Royals rank either last or close to last every year in attendance. And this isn’t likely to help. The Royals were supposed to host “Right to Life” Night at the ballpark when Missouri Right to Life bought… Continue Reading →
It’s been a long standing argument about using taxpayer money to fund abortions but if ObamaCare becomes the law of the land as he’s pushing it to be, abortion will likely be part of everyone in the nation’s health care… Continue Reading →
Republican gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie’s position on abortion is…murky(?) to say the least. He ran as a pro-lifer in the primary against opponent Steve Lonegan. But truthfully, Christie’s been all over the map on this issue. Christie was pro-choice. But… Continue Reading →
When is science not science? Well not when it’s from someone who believes babies in the womb aren’t just blobs of tissue. A biology program originally approved in the Australian state of New South Wales to teach public schoolchildren about… Continue Reading →
Irony is abortionists worrying about where the next generation of abortionists is going to come from. You can’t make this stuff up. One mainstream media organization is saying abortionists are getting old and when the old generation retires who’s going… Continue Reading →
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