We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Archbishop Burke

Abp. Burke To Announce New Job Tonight!

Archbishop Raymond Burke, a superstar of the Catholic Church who has led the Church in numerous statistics but has yet to wear the all important ring of a Cardinal, is scheduled tonight to decide what appointment to take in a… Continue Reading →

Cloning Archbishop Burke

I am hereby demanding a change in one of the key bioethical stances of the Catholic Church. I do this because I’ve noticed that all dissenters never “ask” the Church to reconsider her stance on things. Us dissenters “demand change”… Continue Reading →

Vatican Official Quoted Without Attributing It To The Vatican

Newsmax.com deserves a moment of praise, not for reporting that a Vatican official praised Sarah Palin, but because they referred to the source as a “Vatican official” and not “The Vatican” as reporters are wont to do. I don’t know… Continue Reading →

Burke’s Inquisition Backed By The Inquisition

Archbishop Burke has sometimes been accused of conducting his own inquisition in the whole sordid St. Stan’s / Fr. Bozek debacle. Well, now comes word that the actual Inquisition (CDF) has confirmed that Archbishop has acted properly and confirmed his… Continue Reading →

Archbishop Burke Criticizes Saint Louis U. Basketball Coach

The Jesuits at Saint Louis University are incrementally severing all ties with the Catholic Church and guess who’s calling them out on it? Archbishop Raymond Burke called into question today public comments made by St. Louis University basketball coach Rick… Continue Reading →

You don’t tug on Superman’s cape

You don’t tug on Superman’s capeYou don’t spit into the windYou don’t pull the mask off the old Lone RangerAnd you don’t mess around with Archbishop Raymond Burke, da do da do… From STLToday: Rev. Marek Bozek, 32 and a… Continue Reading →

The Return of Men?

We have lived in a feminine culture for so long, we have forgotten what real men are like. I am talking about the kind of man that Gary Cooper or John Wayne would likely portray if they made a movie…. Continue Reading →

ArchBishop Burke Refuses Communion to Connecticut Bishops

In a stunning move, St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke, a veteran of clashes between Catholic bishops and politicians, has now announced that he’s turning his ire towards the bishops who ok’d Catholic hospitals administering of abortifacients. Burke has attempted to… Continue Reading →

Archbishop Burke is My Hero

Just when I start becoming dismayed at all the weakness and navel gazing of the American Catholic Church, Archbishop Raymond Burke stands up and acts like a hero. Writing in the latest edition of the Canon Law journal, Periodica De… Continue Reading →

An AP Reporter Who Actually Reports?

Imagine my shock. I came across an AP article in the Philadelphia Inquirer on Archbishop Burke. I was taken aback by the title of the piece “A vocal, steadfast defender of the faith”. Well, that is not a bad title… Continue Reading →

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