We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag cancer

Google Launches Calico to “Solve Death”

*subhead*Medicine or quest for immortality?*subhead* Google has launched a new company called Calico (California Life Company) whose focus is to “solve death.” CNN reports: Last month Google announced a new medical company called Calico, whose explicit aim is to take… Continue Reading →

Docs: Don’t Give Terminal Patients Drugs

A group of British doctors announced that terminal cancer patients should not be given “life extending” drugs. I’m sure you know why without me even having to say it but it’s, of course, about the Benjamins. They say The NHS… Continue Reading →

A Mother Needs Your Prayers

As a Catholic blogger, I’m constantly surprised and overwhelmed at the beauty and faith of people I don’t know. I sometimes click around and end up on blogs that I’ve never even heard of and find a tale of just… Continue Reading →

Feel Good Story of the Day

This is pretty awesome. The Make-a-Wish folks really do some great work. In this one, there’s superhero costumes, a police escort, a trapped soccer team at Qwest Field, and even a Delorean for a boy who wanted to be a… Continue Reading →

Women Are Dying…But It’s For a Good Cause

Oh you brave women. Taking one for the team is sooo wonderful of you. Realizing that your life means so little when compared to the overriding issue of sexual liberation and consequenceless sex. Good for you. What? Nobody told you… Continue Reading →

Mother Delays Treatment to Have Child

This is a beautiful story about a mother and a father’s love for a baby. Wesley J. Smith of Secondhand Smoke found it in the LA Times. I was just going to put it up on the CMR Reader but… Continue Reading →

Prayer Request for Fr. Nuehaus

The great Fr. Richard John Neuhaus has inspired so many over the years. CMR requests prayers for him as he’s been diagnosed with cancer. Fr. Neuhaus wrote this personal note on “First Things” today: I cannot begin to respond to… Continue Reading →

Novak: “My Brain Tumor”

Catholic convert and political columnist Robert Novak today published a piece about the discovery of his recent brain tumor. It’s quite moving and he mentions how his faith aids him. You can read it here. When Zelda said to call… Continue Reading →

Profile in Christian Courage

Anna Radosz,27, should always be remembered as a hero who put the life of her unborn child ahead of her own. Diagnosed with a potentially fatal form of skin cancer while she was pregnant, Radosz declined to take her child’s… Continue Reading →

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