My wife and I were getting ready to go to confession with the three oldest girls. The boy, who is six, said he wanted to go too. “You can’t,” the girls told him with the glee that nine and ten… Continue Reading →
My four year old came sleepily down the stairs with the craziest hair this morning holding a stuffed bear. I asked her how she slept and she said she slept fine but her little bear was scared when the monster… Continue Reading →
Men are miserable when their wives are pregnant because, let’s face it, we don’t have anything to do. Present for the conception, we’re then faced with nine months of absolutely no responsibility. We have nothing else to do but wait… Continue Reading →
1) You can’t wait until they start walking and talking and then you can’t imagine why you wanted that so badly. 2) Sometimes silence from a baby is more worrisome than their crying. And you’ll find yourself touching their chest… Continue Reading →
So today was Father’s Day. I took the kids to the mall and they rode the Merry-go-Round there. As we were sitting on line this three year old named Bobby in front of us was reading to his Mom. Reading!… Continue Reading →
I’m going to explain this in chronological order. It’s the only way. I could go back and forth thematically but it’s best just to tell it like it happened. Last week I woke with a start. I realized like I… Continue Reading →
I come from a family that went to Mass every Sunday. No questions. And it wasn’t like school where you could complain of a stomach flu and maybe get to stay home. To get out of going to Mass, you… Continue Reading →
Where the Heck is My Baby? My oldest is eleven now but I remember clearly thinking, “Where’s my baby? Where the heck is my baby? She was just here.” I whirled my head, scanned the storefronts in the mall for… Continue Reading →
If you like funny stories about families I think you’ll like this story I wrote for the National Catholic Register. I’m pretty sure you won’t see the ending coming. I know I didn’t. There are moments that jump out at… Continue Reading →
Yesterday was my daughter’s first reconciliation. It was a big day in the Archbold house. It was a crazy day too. Really crazy. Please check it out at the National Catholic Register. I think it’ll be worth a few laughs.
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