We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Catholic

Married Priest Now Sleeping on Couch

The BBC is reporting that a married priest is saying that priests shouldn’t be married. Two things – 1) Is this really news? A priest agrees with the Church? Sadly, maybe it is. 2) I really hope his wife isn’t… Continue Reading →

12 Catholic Words that Don’t Sound Like What they Mean

I was born a Catholic but that doesn’t mean I knew anything about the faith until I decided to investigate the faith for myself in college. In my research, I came across a number of things that weren’t true that… Continue Reading →

Good News. Episcopal Parish Goes Catholic

I know this happened a bit ago but so often the mainstream media is obsessed with pointing out Catholics becoming Episcopalians, Catholics becoming Muslims, or Catholics becoming just about anything other than Catholic. You can imagine my pleasant surprise to… Continue Reading →

Hilarious Church Bulletin Bloopers

OK. There’s a lot of serious stuff going on in the Church and the world right now and I was prepared to write on them but then I received an email from a friend of mine about Catholic Church bulletin… Continue Reading →

Rowan Williams: Shakespeare a Catholic Jerk!

I am begging folks not to get too upset with Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury. He’s been having a bit of a rough time with Catholics recently so one must understand his recent outburst against a dead and… Continue Reading →

Join My Lawsuit, Catholic Victims!!!

A new study has given a blogger (me) a great idea for a class action lawsuit. I’ll explain later but if you’d like to join the suit please let me know in the combox. It’s gonna’ rain cash, baby!!! A… Continue Reading →

Torture Works!

Sometimes torture works. Sometimes the death penalty saves innocent lives. But so what? Continue reading at the National Catholic Register>>>

Controlling Human Genetic Engineering Part 2

Rebecca Taylor is guest blogging here this month. Rebecca is a Technologist in Molecular Biology, MB(ASCP) and a practicing Catholic. She has been writing and speaking about Catholicism and biotechnology for five years at her blog Mary Meets Dolly. This… Continue Reading →

Judge John Roll, Hero

We’ve reported before that Judge John Roll seemed like a good Catholic family man. Now it seems he died attempting to protect another shooting victim, according to video of the Tuscon shooting viewed by investigators. The New York Times reports:… Continue Reading →

O’Reilly’s Abortion Dodge

I don’t watch Bill O’Reilly mainly because (and I know some people will laugh at this) I think he’s a squishy. People often take his loud mouth to mean he’s principled. But it’s just a loud mouth. I sometimes admire… Continue Reading →

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