My wife and I were getting ready to go to confession with the three oldest girls. The boy, who is six, said he wanted to go too. “You can’t,” the girls told him with the glee that nine and ten… Continue Reading →
The boy came down in tears. He doesn’t cry an awful lot for a six year old boy but this time he came down the stairs and you could tell he was crying because his face is so dirty it… Continue Reading →
The Chicago Tribune reports that child endangerment charges have been filed against an Uptown couple accused of flying to Las Vegas and leaving their two children, 12 and 9, home alone for nearly two days, police said. I’m thinking –… Continue Reading →
Our toilet handle falls off now and again. It’s loose. So yesterday my daughter went to flush the toilet and the handle fell in and woosh. Gone into the plumbing. So there I was with the plumbing snake with the… Continue Reading →
My nine year old daughter suddenly realized yesterday that she’d missed Groundhog Day. While driving her to basketball practice she suddenly whipped her head towards me. “Dad!!!!” she yelled, alarmed. “Did the groundhog see his shadow? I told her sadly… Continue Reading →
I’m used to being the only Dad wherever I go in a sea of Moms. A few days ago I was at my daughter’s basketball game. I sat with my other four children in the bleachers cheering my daughter near… Continue Reading →
This is a pretty extraordinary story. An uborn baby saved the life of his father. The Stir reports: According to Sara McDonald, who is 7 1/2 months pregnant, her husband, Thomas, wouldn’t be here today if her baby hadn’t given… Continue Reading →
According to The Mirror, a man staying in a hotel room for the night decided he’d cheat on his wife and mother of his three children and hire a prostitute. So he called for a prostitute to come to his… Continue Reading →
My four year old came sleepily down the stairs with the craziest hair this morning holding a stuffed bear. I asked her how she slept and she said she slept fine but her little bear was scared when the monster… Continue Reading →
Today, my four year old and I went to see my six year old in the first grade Thanksgiving play at our local parish school. It’s nice because all the grades comes down to watch it too and since I… Continue Reading →
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