We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag family

Telling Children about Abortion?

So two weeks ago, we’re off to my daughter’s Brownie meeting. It was the end of the year party at the Brownie leader’s house so we pull up in the van and my eight year old says, “Uh, Dad. Bad… Continue Reading →

Ipods are Woobies

My three year old boy walks around with his blanket, which is actually an old sleeping bag. We’ve recently started leaving it at home when we go out. That was a big step, believe me. This is not our first… Continue Reading →

“Our Dad Takes Care Of Us”

My children had off from school Thursday and Friday. So I took them to see “Horton Hears a Who” yesterday which they all loved. And I liked it as well though I couldn’t help but make the analogy to the… Continue Reading →

An April Fool’s Tragedy

On April Fool’s Day my six year old daughter walked into the room while I was attempting to catch up to date on Battlestar Galactica Season 3. She was wearing a princess costume with a belt around her waist and… Continue Reading →

Grapes, Raisins and God

My daughters were discussing their snack options after school today. After rummaging around I offered grapes or raisins. My seven year old told the other two girls in that way that older sisters have that “actually grapes and raisins are… Continue Reading →

My Baby is a Knick-Knack

My two year old loves our new baby. He wants to hug her and squeeze her all the time. All the time. Which, of course, scares the heck out of me. He comes wheeling around the corner yelling “Hug baby… Continue Reading →

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