*subhead*The battle is on.*subhead* To be honest, this piece at The New Yorker is one of the most fascinating stories I have read in a long time. It opened my eyes to two foreign worlds that are in a battle… Continue Reading →
Wasn’t feminism supposed to be about empowering women. It was supposed to move women away from being helpless and dependent on men. But now, all these women like Sandra Fluke and others, are cackling that they can’t afford their birth… Continue Reading →
Gloria Steinem told the Guardian newspaper that feminist pro-choice types “need to get much angrier.’ Is that possible? Asking feminists to get angrier is like: Asking Richard Simmons to get less manlyAsking Nicholas Sparks to write worseAsking Mitt Romney to… Continue Reading →
14 women were killed and 2200 injured. Sounds like a terrible disaster, right? Sounds like something the media might want to cover, right? Or something the government might want to act on, yes? No. You see, 14 women have been… Continue Reading →
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was asked if he knew about the wildly predatory environment of the IMF. His answer is, I think, sickening because he won’t say he didn’t know about it -which meant he did but then he offers… Continue Reading →
Jill June, president of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, called efforts to prevent Big Abortion from performing remote control abortions “shameful.” Really? It’s shameful that a woman undergoing a dangerous procedure actually be seen by a doctor in person. Wasn’t… Continue Reading →
Hey stay at home Moms, cut it out. Get a job. You’re wrecking it for the rest of the women who are out in the real world. Either ditch the apron for the business suit or you’re betraying your sisters…. Continue Reading →
In their never ending quest to ensure that nobody knows what a baby in the womb looks like feminists at a women’s conference confiscated bags which were deemed pro-life even though nothing in the bags even mentioned abortion. NRLC reports:… Continue Reading →
You ready for a piece that pinpoints the lunacy of our legal system when it comes to parenthood and abortion? A column in Mens News Daily called “Time to Abort Fatherhood at Will” is an in-your-face read with some great… Continue Reading →
Feminists want a little more reality. But only a little. You might know the MTV show “16 and Pregnant,” which to its credit does show that getting pregnant isn’t all that great as an unmarried teen. But the show is… Continue Reading →
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