Wasn’t feminism supposed to be about empowering women. It was supposed to move women away from being helpless and dependent on men. But now, all these women like Sandra Fluke and others, are cackling that they can’t afford their birth control pills. Boo hoo. Incidentally, it costs $9 a month at Wal-Mart. And they can’t afford it? Bet you they can afford their soy lattes decaf though.
But all these women are running in front of cameras to scream about how helpless they are. It’s kinda’ sad. And who are they running to in order to get them to pay for it because they’re too helpless themselves? The ALL MALE HIERARCHY of the Catholic Church. Come on. This stuff is screaming Daddy issues.
Note to feminism: You wanted to be like men? Caffeinate your soy latte and man up.
March 8, 2012 at 1:46 pm
The thought progression of feminism: Relying on a man as husband for emotional, financial, social support is bad. Much better to rely on government as sugar daddy.
March 8, 2012 at 3:03 pm
Sadly, this may be considered crass, but is 100% true. If the $9/month cost of contraception is to expensive, someone needs to inform them that keeping their legs shut does not cost a single cent. Why is it I should have to pay for their concubinage? Why should I pay for them to be promiscuous? Is it my job to support their harlotry? I think not, and this is what it is all about. Do not be fooled into thinking they are worried about medicinal uses, they want me to financially support their ability to have sex, illicit sex no less. I for one am disgusted that we live in a culture where I am considered the bigoted meanie while the trollop lifestyle is proffered not only as a good, but as morally and ethically superior to that of piety, chastity, and faith. Can you even imagine this topic 50 years ago? I weep for our nation and for Western Culture in general. Mater Castissima, ora pro nobis.
March 8, 2012 at 3:15 pm
Daddy issues or just drama?
Rush will get them all an aspirin to put between their legs. Then he was targetted.
But when Maher called Sarah nasty names, the Liberals were silent.
Consistency is up there with rationality, honesty and fairness. Democrats only know positioning, posturing, drama and gaming. Save the drama for your momma and spike that latte – with reason.
March 8, 2012 at 4:56 pm
Right on Okiepapist, That is what drives me crazy.
They are out there working as free prostitutes, and I'm somehow being immoral by not paying for it.
What a bunch of nonsense.
March 11, 2012 at 2:54 pm
What do you believe the role of women should be? Please define what education we should receive, what sports we should be permitted to play, what jobs we should be allowed? Are married women allowed to tell their husbands "no" to sex, ever? What property rights do married women have? What is the proper response to domestic violence?
March 14, 2012 at 4:34 am
Decaf espresso? *Spits* Blasphemy.
Karen, I'm at a loss to understand what your comment has to do with anything said here.