Republicans are always complaining that the media is biased. And I’m like “What?!” My goodness there are Republicans all over news programs. David Gergen, David Frum, Kathleen Parker are on television all the time. All Republicans have to do to… Continue Reading →
This is unbelievable. These media types are just so silly-putty headed that you can’t take them seriously. The funniest part is that they don’t know they’re a joke. And this idiot reporter likely doesn’t even realize how lame, insulting and… Continue Reading →
The media has been fanning the flames of anti-Catholicism this month and now a columnist for the state owned ABC in Australia is comparing the Pope to Osama bin Laden and asking, “Why not bomb the Vatican, and riddle the… Continue Reading →
Check out CNN’s love letter to the left leaning “Coffee Party”: (CNN) — In one chair sits a rural retiree, his financial security shot in the slump, a humble Southerner who’s never thought much about politics. In another seat is… Continue Reading →
Got to love the mainstream media for not knowing what that strange black mark on Joe Biden’s forehead was. I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that the newswoman who’s so confused by the ashes is actually Catholic or the… Continue Reading →
The Archdiocese of Chicago is spending $1 million on a Catholics Come Home ad campaign. Nice, right? But you’ve got to see how the Chicago Tribune reported it: In order to return to the pews, Cindy Colman first must grapple… Continue Reading →
I’m convinced that the media has a huge clunky translation machine that automatically translates the preferred nomenclature of conservatives into liberal speak. I mean, there’s always a discrepancy between what conservatives wish to be called and what we are actually… Continue Reading →
Shhhh. 300,000+ people chanted, yelled and sung their way into Washington D.C. but somehow snuck past the mainstream media without their notice. Congratulations to the ordinary ministers of the media! Now, I could’ve missed it but after searching it seems… Continue Reading →
We all owe a debt of gratitude to Brit Hume. Hume, you’ll remember recommended that Tiger Woods embrace Christianity. Gasp! Since then all…well…hell has broken loose. Media types are crawling over each other to excoriate Hume. But they can’t just… Continue Reading →
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