We all owe a debt of gratitude to Brit Hume. Hume, you’ll remember recommended that Tiger Woods embrace Christianity. Gasp! Since then all…well…hell has broken loose.
Media types are crawling over each other to excoriate Hume. But they can’t just attack Hume because nothing he actually said was out of bounds. They must attack Christianity and religion in general.
Secular progressives won’t tolerate any mention of Christianity in public. In short, Jesus is the new smoking. And the fear of secondhand Jesus is even more intense than the pungency of nicotine in a restaurant. I’m pretty sure the outrage surrounding Hume would actually be less if he fired up a stogie in a nursery school.
U.S. News & World Report writer John Aloysius Farrell wrote the most ridiculous anti-religion piece I’ve read during this whole kerfuffle. Of course, Farrell can’t help but draw a comparison between Hume and Islamic terrorists.
The Cold War was fought against cruel Commie atheists who—we were warned by our leaders at the time—had no fear of God’s wrath because they simply didn’t believe in Him. But we survived because, it turned out, the faithless Russians and Red Chinese had no more of an appetite for nuclear incineration than we did.
In the end, the lack of a prospect for celestial paradise made the Communists, despite their weaponry, slightly less scary than our foes in the Long War, who are true believers.
It takes a religious zealot to strap explosives around his or her waist and, murmuring prayers, blow up a CIA facility in Afghanistan, or take down an airplane over Detroit, or steer a jet into the World Trade Center. Or, for that matter, to treat the world to Crusades and Inquisitions and the kind of faith-based savagery we’ve seen in places like Belfast, Bosnia, Beirut, and Jerusalem.
That is what made Brit’s comments so creepy: the self-certainty that “my god is better than yours.”
Hume has the right to yak…But, jeez, what a stupid thing to think.
It takes a religious zealot? Are you kidding me? While Farrell argues that the Soviet’s atheism prevented them from being as scary as Muslims, can we just go over the atrocities committed in the past century by atheists. In fact, let’s bring up Farrell’s beloved atheistic Soviet Union led by atheist Joe Stalin who killed anywhere from 25-60 million of his own people.
Atheist Mao killed even more. Throw in Pol Pot, Castro and Che for good measure. Hey, a million bodies here and a million bodies there and pretty soon we’re talking about a lot of bodies.
I know Farrell would likely be shocked that anyone would link these madmen’s actions with their atheism but the two are tied in. Atheism has no philosophical basis for the sanctity of individual life.
And on smaller levels right here in America, atheist/anarchist Leon Czolgosz shot and killed the President of the United States. Ted Kaczynski of Unabomber fame was an atheist. So the lie that it takes a religious zealot is just ignorant.
Here’s the thing. Why does violence done in the name of religion make religion “creepy” and “scary” but a body count in the hundreds of millions not impugn atheism in any way?
Ht Newsbusters
January 7, 2010 at 4:04 pm
Because they can't handle the truth of where they are headed to- towards a nothingness where the law of the jungle prevails!
January 7, 2010 at 5:06 pm
What do you expect from a guy whose middle name is Aloysius (hint, hint) and who could not complete his cute alliteration of Belfast, Bosnia, Beirut with another "B" word for a location in Israel. He must have forgotten "O Little Town of Bethlehem" that he sang when he was a small(er) kid. This is sophomoric sour grapes and he trots out all the old canards about the Crusades and the (gasp) Inquisition. Next he'll be quoting Dan Brown as an authority.
January 7, 2010 at 7:03 pm
"Here's the thing. Why does violence done in the name of religion make religion "creepy" and "scary" but a body count in the hundreds of millions not impugn atheism in any way?"
Because that is how Satan prefers it.
January 7, 2010 at 7:37 pm
The original suicide bombers were the Tamil Tigers, a secular (arguably communist/atheist) organization which sought ethnic independence (hegemony) over the majority population of Sri Lanka. The Mohammedans simply expanded and "perfected" the practice. Farrell is an ignoramous. But unfortunately you can never prove to an ignoramous that he is one.
January 7, 2010 at 8:22 pm
The fact that he's got the enemies of the Christian faith foaming at the mouth or just riding the wave of the devil's rage to vent their brainless pettiness just makes me more grateful to Hume for having the guts to stand up for Christ. I'd like to see more do the same.
As to whether it was a news or an opinion piece–as someone disputed in an earlier post–I don't see how that really matters. Tiger Woods's name came up, and Mr. Hume's response was charitable and cut to the heart of the matter. I'd be all sarcastic and say "Heaven forbid," but it doesn't. Hell, on the other hand . . .
January 7, 2010 at 8:31 pm
It doesn't take a religious zealot, just a zealot.
January 7, 2010 at 8:37 pm
I do not deny that officially atheistic regimes have been brutal. Neither do I deny that Christians have been brutal. Here is a very current example of abuses of Christianity. People surely look at cases like this and say, "Christianity is to blame," even if wrongly.
January 7, 2010 at 9:28 pm
Brian – these churches are as Christian as the Branch Davidians. Anytime you see an African church with the word "Zion" or "temple" in it then this is a dead giveaway. Their beliefs and practices are based around tribalism, shamanism and the cult of personality of their leader (pastor). Most West Africans have a deathly fear of witches which long predates Christianity (as did Europe until just 2 centuries ago). What this article failed to mention is that the practice of "witch-hunting" is prevalent among nearly ALL tribes in Nigeria; "Christianized", Mohammedan and or course indigenous. So, you can't blame the horror inflicted on these children on Christianity. It is correctly blamed on superstition. You definitely msspoke here.
January 8, 2010 at 1:03 pm
Jesus said, "Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Matthew 5:11-12 (NAB)
January 9, 2010 at 3:11 pm
Did Hume misrepresent Buddhism? Did Hume present a "get ouf of jail free card" disguised as Christianity? Did Hume show presumption that religious conversion will automatically fix one's problems? Those were among the questions that "secular progressives" and alleged lovers of the Soviet Union are raising.
Hasn't the Pope explicitly condemned violence in the name of religion? I suspect that there's something about violence in the name of religion that makes it repulsive.
January 10, 2010 at 12:46 am
Did he forget Stalin, really did he?