Jill June, president of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, called efforts to prevent Big Abortion from performing remote control abortions “shameful.” Really? It’s shameful that a woman undergoing a dangerous procedure actually be seen by a doctor in person. Wasn’t… Continue Reading →
Lila Rose interviews two longtime Girl Scouts who quit after learning how the Girl Scouts supports Planned Parenthood. The two young girls are quite impressive.
Get this. MTV has pulled a pro-life ad, claiming that the makers of the ad are too controversial or something. Because, you know, MTV doesn’t like controversy at all. For over a year the former music video channel has run… Continue Reading →
Is the truce over? According to The Politico, a bill defunding Planned Parenthood may be landing on Indiana Governor Mitch “The Truce” Daniels’ desk in the next two weeks. Sources in Indiana tell PULSE the governor will most likely be… Continue Reading →
In light of the horrors perpetrated by Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell, you’d think most people would be in favor of attempting to establish some minimum health requirements for abortion clinics throughout the state. A bill introduced in Pennsylvania mandates that… Continue Reading →
The Catholic News Agency reported that the vote to ban on Planned Parenthood funding “FAILED.” Hogwash. It succeeded exactly how it was supposed to. To view the bill as “failed” is to misunderstand the intention of the bill. It was… Continue Reading →
This is your must read of the day if you want to throw your hands up and pull your hair out. However, if you’d like to remain blissfully ignorant of how Catholic colleges have 150 ties with Planned Parenthood then… Continue Reading →
According to The CornerSenator Toomey is caving on defunding Planned Parenthood: Here’s Senator Toomey: “I’d like to defund Planned Parenthood, but I understand that Republicans don’t have complete control of the elected government,” Toomey said on MSNBC. “I think what… Continue Reading →
Nancy Pelosi says the GOP has declared a “war on women.” No, that’s ridiculous. We’ve declared a kinetic defunding action. But that’s rich, isn’t it? The people who are literally slaughtering human beings in the womb say that not receiving… Continue Reading →
The Susan B. Anthony List today acted mean spiritedly and lied about former President Bill Clinton. “Mean spirited” and “lied” is of course code for when opponents speak truths that liberals wish weren’t truths. You see, Bill Clinton said recently… Continue Reading →
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