We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag presidential candidates

A Santorum Victory! Who Else Won?

Yeah Santorum technically lost by eight votes in Iowa last night but if you can’t see that last night was a huge victory for former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum you’re just not paying attention. And here’s the thing -it’s possible… Continue Reading →

But Santorum Endorsed Specter!!!!!

Newsflash! Rick Santorum endorsed pro-choice Arlen Specter over pro-life Pat Toomey in the 2004 election cycle. In case you were living under a rock you may not have known this. And despite all the years of pro-life service in the… Continue Reading →

Romney Stinks on End of Life Issues Too?

First we had the Michelle Bachmann fade and now we may be seeing Rick Perry fade. The one constant has been Mitt Romney. And that’s scaring me. A lot. I’m really starting to wonder if Mitt is actually going to… Continue Reading →

Santorum Asked To Reconcile Catholicism and Limited Government

Journalist Brian Williams quizzed Presidential candidate Rick Santorum at the debate last night on how he reconciles being Catholic which means he should care for the poor with being a dirty filthy Republican who doesn’t think Big Government is the… Continue Reading →

So…Is Palin Running?

Watch this video and let me know if you think Sarah’s running? I’m thinking yeah. HT Gateway Pundit

Ryan Considering a Run. What Say You?

For me, Paul Ryan may be a dream candidate. I’d be pretty excited if he got into the race. Thrilled, even. What say you guys? I know it’s a big jump from Congress to the White House but look, Obama… Continue Reading →

Santorum Ad Highlights 7 Kids and Minivan

This is a pretty clever ad from Santorum in that it’s amusing but also gets the point across that this guy is the real deal on family values.

What Say You on Rick Perry?

Hot Air is reporting that Texas Governor Rick Perry is considering a run for President. For some reason I have him in a “liberal Republican” file in my head. I could be absolutely wrong. Any of you guys know anything… Continue Reading →

Jindal Releases Birth Certificate. Hmmmm…

Pro-life conservative Governor Bobby Jindal just released his birth certificate proving that he was born in the United States, according to the Times Picayune. Hmmmm. Does this mean that Jindal may run for President or that he believes he might… Continue Reading →

Meatloaf, Should I Run for President?

This has got to be one of the greatest lines ever in the history of politics and/or television. In fact, in the history of the universe there’s less than a micro milli-chance that the phrase, “Meatloaf should I run for… Continue Reading →

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