We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag priest

Priest: Obama is Like St. Francis or Something

Obviously realizing that comparing President Obama to God like so many have before is ridiculous and soooo last month, Fr. Dominic V. Monti is breaking the mold by comparing Obama to…(wait for it)…St. Francis of Assisi. Yup. That’s right. A… Continue Reading →

Priest: Abortion Leads to Totalitarianism

Wow. This priest says it all. According to The Catholic Spirit: A Belgian priest told a Vatican academy that U.S. President Barack Obama’s pro-abortion policies will lead the United States toward totalitarianism. “By removing legal safeguards for the protection of… Continue Reading →

When Quasi Celebrities Cheat

Two quasi celebrities have pictures of them cavorting with women made very very public that starts the rumor mills that they’re cheating on their vows. Uh-oh. So what do you do next? So you’ve seen the images of one of… Continue Reading →

Bomb Threat Over Priest Removal

You might remember Father Peter Kennedy who was pulled from his Australian parish but refused to leave because he’s too busy blessing homosexual couples, allowing women to preach, and selling books that questioned the divinity of Jesus. You might also… Continue Reading →

Death by Mixed Signals

In the same week that Pope Benedict XVI urged Nancy Pelosi to recognize the “dignity of human life,” a California priest who publicly donated to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign has been elevated to the rank of monsignor. You think the… Continue Reading →

Priest Compares Self to Jesus, UFO Cult Rallies To his Cause

OK. There are two ways that Father Peter Kennedy should’ve known that he was on the wrong side of his argument with the Catholic Church. 1) He resorted to comparing himself to Jesus. 2)A UFO cult came to his aid…. Continue Reading →

Priest Calls Fidel Castro a Saint?

With one statement a Catholic priest has tarnished both the Catholic Church and the United Nations. Pretty amazing, huh? Fr. Miguel D’Escoto, a Catholic priest who was born in America but later joined the communist Sandanistas in Niceragua, is now… Continue Reading →

The Last Gasp of the Hippies

Consider this the last gasp of the hippie generation. This entire generation is stunned that they were unable to completely overhaul the Church during their lifetime. They had such success changing academia and even local parishes but now they wander… Continue Reading →

Diocese Has Priest’s Back

This is an interesting turn of events. From The State: A Greenville priest who told parishioners those who cast ballots for President-elect Barack Obama risk placing themselves “outside of the full communion of Christ’s church” is simply enunciating church teaching… Continue Reading →

Commonweal Doesn’t Mind Hypocrisy

We’ve all seen the story on the South Carolina priest who announced that voting for Obama was a matter worthy of confession and people shouldn’t receive Communion until they do so. Well shock of shocks. Commonweal, that famous liberal Catholic… Continue Reading →

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