*subhead*Surprise!*subhead* It was very cold and very wet, but it was worth it. This weekend I spoke alongside Walter Hoye at the Walk for Life Northwest. He and his wife are amazing witnesses for life. I am so privileged that… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Life, Love and Joy.*subhead* As the 40th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade dawns, my friends that have adopted children have been posting pictures on Facebook of their beautiful families and thanking the birth mothers for their courage and sacrifice. These… Continue Reading →
A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that pro-lifers who created Wild West-style posters and a Web site targeting abortion doctors are liable because their works were illegal threats and not free speech. Look, I’m not crazy about wanted posters and… Continue Reading →
When former Senator Rick Santorum was campaigning in New Hampshire earlier this week, a disgusting thing occurred on the campus of a local Catholic college. But it’s one that I think is highlights the disconnect between those who advance a… Continue Reading →
Newsflash! Rick Santorum endorsed pro-choice Arlen Specter over pro-life Pat Toomey in the 2004 election cycle. In case you were living under a rock you may not have known this. And despite all the years of pro-life service in the… Continue Reading →
You should read this piece about the gains the pro-life movement had made by Fred Barnes at the Weekly Standard: Opponents of abortion are rarely interviewed on television these days. “It’s much harder to get on TV than it used… Continue Reading →
Breaking Dawn, the latest chapter of the Twilight series comes out tonight at midnight. I’m sure there will be thousands of people on line waiting to get in. But as I have a Y chromosome I won’t be there. I… Continue Reading →
Congrats to the big brain pro-lifers. You did it. You helped to kill the Personhood amendment in Mississippi. According to the AP, at about 10:15 the referendum was being voted down 58% -42%. Congrats to all the big brain pro-lifers… Continue Reading →
My four year old and I just voted. She actually pushed the button so she technically voted. (Is that legal?) And by the way, she voted pro-life. All the way. We walked up to our voting place and I had… Continue Reading →
This is pretty cool from the Susan B. Anthony List. Remember this Halloween, the scariest place in the world right now is a mother’s womb. So keep the SBA-List in your prayers as they fight the good fight.
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