We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Republicans

A Lockstep Donnybrook?

For over a year we’ve been hearing about how Republicans are imploding and fighting with each other. The pro-lifers are fighting the pro-choicers. The social libertarians are fighting the Christians. Palin vs. McCain was always a more interesting fight than… Continue Reading →

Your Mortgage is My Problem?

Charity is at the heart of the Church’s social doctrine. Our responsibilities and commitments to each other are spelled out by that doctrine which at its core is about loving one’s neighbor. So that’s why when I see signs like… Continue Reading →

GOP Governor Candidate Dumps Values?

Republican gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie’s position on abortion is…murky(?) to say the least. He ran as a pro-lifer in the primary against opponent Steve Lonegan. But truthfully, Christie’s been all over the map on this issue. Christie was pro-choice. But… Continue Reading →

I Feel Like Richard Gere

This is a difficult thing to say for me. But here it is. I feel like Richard Gere. But not in the way you might be thinking. Remember that scene in Officer and a Gentleman where Gere screams/cries/explains why he… Continue Reading →

At Least Pretend You’re Involved

I know this is small. And someone’s going to argue that it means nothing and maybe they’re right. But GOP Chairman Michael Steele was hosting the Bill Bennett show on the radio this morning. And when asked about the Tedisco/Murphy… Continue Reading →

When They Call You Nazi, Don’t Smile

On CNN, GOP Chairman Michael Steele assented that the Republican Party looks like the Nazi party. Yeah, that’s right. The leader of the GOP sat there nodding his head while some brain dead CNN host called Republicans Nazis. Well, to… Continue Reading →

Republican Party Or The Donner Party?

How come every time Republicans lose an election and are banished to the wilderness; instead of gathering together, the Republican Party starts acting like the Donner party. Well, the GOP is in full cannibal mode now and us social conservatives… Continue Reading →

The Party of Ahnuld or Sarah?

According to WorldNetDaily, Republican California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger encouraged opponents of the Proposition 8 not to give up until the measure is overturned. “It is unfortunate, obviously, but it’s not the end,” vowed the governor in yesterday’s interview, referring to… Continue Reading →

The Savaging of Sarah Wasn’t Worth It

If the caricature of Republicans as heartless capitalists with cash registers instead of souls is accurate then they should gleefully accept prodigals Peggy Noonan and Christopher Buckley back into the fold. Because I absolutely believe that their personal attacks on… Continue Reading →

Close to Infanticide?

Do you want to know how sick the Democratic Party is? When pro-lifers defend the partial birth abortion ban the best quote they can come up with from a prominent Democrat is this one from Sen Daniel Patrick Moynihan who… Continue Reading →

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