Remember that video a few weeks ago by the Mona Lisa Project where a Planned Parenthood in Indiana covered up a statutory rape allegation. And when the video came out PP said they too were shocked and that this worker was just a rebel and they fired her. Well guess what? It looks like the company that kills babies will also resort to lying. Can you believe it? At the same time the original video was being taken, the Mona Lisa Project had another girl at another PP in Indiana doing the same thing. And, once again, Planned Parenthood failed to follow the law. Pretty damning evidence for the organization that receives millions in taxpayer funding, huh?
Recently the Indiana Attorney General announced he may seek charges against the abortion provider. CMR declares that the Mona Lisa girls Lila Rose & Jackie Stollar are heroes of the pro-life movement. Their pictures are going to be hanging in every abortion clinic in America pretty soon.
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