I believe Leftism is essentially a religion to those who profess it. And the First Commandment of Leftism is “Thou Shalt Kill.”

A recent case in point is that a Swiss federal court recently ruled that a nursing home run by the Salvation Army must allow assisted suicides at its facility, according to LifeNews.com. The Salvation Army challenged the Swiss Law because…well…salvation and argued that forcing it to take part in assisted suicides went against its religion. But the court predictably ruled against the Christian group.

This is not an anomaly. In the United States, four states have legalized assisted suicide. And while there’s no major push yet to make doctors forced accomplices, that will surely follow. Do not doubt this please. Once death becomes a right, conscience takes a back seat.

Right now, the death fetishists are demanding that Christian groups pay for abortifacients in their insurance coverage. When Catholics argue that they believe all life is sacred, the Death fetishists say it’s not life at all. They either move the goalposts and say it’s not life until the fertilized egg implants in the case of contraception or they just make something up and call it “potential life” until the mother decides whether to abort (because that’s science.)

The #totalitolerants also believe that each and every American should be forced to financially support Planned Parenthood whose tagline should be “Over one million severed.”

Please continue reading at The National Catholic Register>>>
