The latest entry into the “More proof that the World is more like a Tolkien novel than we know” is this story: The story involves a young person who is pure and innocent who is unfortunately in possession of a… Continue Reading →
Fr. Z. is told by a very well placed source that the long awaited Motu Proprio is at the printers as we speak. This is the home stretch kids. Our patience (or lack thereof) will be rewarded soon. It may… Continue Reading →
In the absence of news, just make some up. Just a week after PM Tony Blair described the British press as a ‘feral beast” that “hunts in packs”, the press has shown that it refuses to learn anything. This weekend… Continue Reading →
The Voice of the Faithful will “be calling for the Vatican to do an ecclesiastical review of the celibacy issue,” according to the New York Times. The group’s president, Mary Pat Fox, asked for the review because research showed “it… Continue Reading →
Prostitutes in Rome——Don’t stop for directions. The Eye of God.——There is a Visine for that. Tony Visits Benny——Our take on how the conversation went. Media Bias and “Evan Almighty”——Religion is fine, as long as you don’t take it seriously. A… Continue Reading →
An Italian town’s mayor hopes to shame men into not using prostitutes by photographing cars that stop to liaise with prostitutes on the side of the street, according to Reuters. Advertisements in local newspapers with the plate numbers will then… Continue Reading →
Here’s what it is: The image depicts the so-called Helix Nebula, described by astronomers as “a trillion-mile-long tunnel of glowing gases.” At its center is dying, Sun-like star which has ejected masses of dust and gas to form tentacle-like filaments… Continue Reading →
In honor of Tony Blair’s audience with the Pope today, we republish today our speculation on how the conversation should proceed. Tony: Thank you so much for receiving us your Holiness. I bring you the warmest regards of all the… Continue Reading →
The Catholic Church in Kuwait “enjoys freedom of worship and suffers no restriction whatsoever,” Bishop Camillo Ballin, 63, Vicar Apostolic of Kuwait. “Although Islamic extremists have different and adverse positions, there is no exterior sign to indicate it,” he noted…. Continue Reading →
Media Bias and “Evan Almighty”——Religion is fine, as long as you don’t take it seriously. A Public Man of Faith and Principle——Where is Thomas More when you need him? Church in Kuwait: No Problems Here——Please move along, nothing to see… Continue Reading →
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